Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time Flies! Doesn't it?

I never realized that it has been so long that I have had a urge to sit and write here... It has been awhile since I have anything to say that was not said before I guess... the sadness of my lose is still heavy on my heart and there are many morning the first thoughts are of my mom and that is okay... there are still things that happen that remind me of her and a tear comes to my eyes and that is okay as well...
I am starting or have been for that last week preparing the house for Christmas... leave a lot of the stuff in the containers this year... adding to what I have especially outside... Roger and FLo's moose was repaired this year and is on the front lawn... I went out and bought Candy Canes that light up and gift boxes which got Carl in gear with his ideas... our tree came out of the box and was put on a stand and is outside so that the gift boxes has a place.... I also did some plastic canvasing this year for outside... a big Merry Christmas which I have finishing making but not put out yet... I need some lights which surprisingly enough ran out of this year....I finally got decorations around my back door which I love so very much... and is there picture to go with all of this... yes there is but they are also still in the camera... we loved the real tree last year and we are doing it again this year... can't wait to go get one...and it will be back in the basement since it seems that is where we spend most of our time... and enjoy it more there then the living room.
I have not been doing a lot with the camera in the last months... forgetting it home is a reason behind it...
I have done a little bit of Christmas shopping but today looking for some photos to finish off one of the gifts I actually got two more while looking through them... I didn't find what I was looking for but I did find a lot that I need for later... namely the Christmas past wall... which has been moved this year... from the sitting room which went back to a bedroom... it will be in the porch so everyone can see them as they enter the house... it is not started yet.. that is my project of the day if I could get off this computer...
We were over to Plaster Rock last weekend with Dad... it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back again... it is terrible that it has been so long in between trips there...
My little family in Moncton has been sick so I have not been down there in the last month... I am sure Caleb is grown a foot and when I go in the next time he will not know me...
Well I hear things going on downstairs hoping that someone is making breakfast since I have been up for almost 4 hours and have not eaten yet...
Have a great Sunday all... nice talking to you all again... Joanne

Friday, August 06, 2010


5184000 seconds
86400 minutes
1440 hours
60 days
2 months
That is how long you have been gone
from our lives...
And damn we miss you so very much
Love ya Mom
As the sun came over the trees while I was making tea this morning I thought of mom not like I don't every morning.... it was funny because I crawled out of bed about 3 this morning and wondered why I would be up and fully awake at this hour... only it took me 3 more hours to realize what it was about... I thought I was doing really good recently .. the tears were less and my heart was not hurting as much but this morning all it returned in full force... think it is time for me to go and do something because if I stay here it will be a day of tears and heart ache...

Monday, August 02, 2010

My Day

New Brunswick Day.... not PEI day... Carl is back to work after a week off to spend it with Kyle...which was a good week for them I think... Monday Craig showed up... and now he is gone as well.. off to start another adventure in his life... Matt showed up on Friday... so the weekend was of the boys and their friends... I have to say the house was full ... to end the normal weekend.. Matt made dinner last night and we had Pa over ... which he always enjoys...

So Carl left around 5 this morning... I was up shortly after.. got a few things done and then thought what the heck am I doing... I am alone and working when I could be out of here... actually have been thinking of Jill this week... she will be home in September... should go out looking for some new places to take her for photos... So that is what I am going to do... take a totally I am not doing anything I don't want to do... I am going to go where I want to go though a darn good shopping trip would be good as well but the stores are closed so that is saving me some money today... LOL... I am sure Carl is happy to hear that one...

Get a movie for tonight and pick up something instead of making it... so that is my day for today... tomorrow I have a list as long as my arm to get done around here... a week with everyone home makes for a house that needs cleaning... and that can wait until tomorrow...

Have a wonderful day all Joanne

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Here it is 2:30 Am and I am still up and with no interest in going to bed at the moment... we spent good part of the afternoon and evening at our friends Richard and Theresa's ... it was sunny, windy... then we had a great down pour for about 15 minute just enough to almost ruin dinner but it didn't... Richard and Carl did the beer drinking thing...we had a great dinner... they had mackrel with steak and salad I had steak ... and by midnight we were home once again .. he is sound asleep at the moment with the two dogs next to him... actually there is no room in the bed from me until I get he dogs off... I know I am going to be feeling this in the morning but then there is not a lot that has to be done tomorrow so why not pull a stupid thing off tonight...

Up date not saying how great I am but the little monsters are disappearing very quickly.... and more then I thought there was... but I am winning this fight thank you very much LOL...

Today was a lazy morning maybe that is why I am not sleepy at the moment... I actually pulled off a 10 AM sleep in today... then started our day with the market missing out on fresh eggs again this week... got dad down for his weeking wash down as Carl calls it... then off to see what kind of washer and drier Normand had in mind for us... it was pretty good because Monday afternoon it will be parked in my hall until Carl comes home to hook it all up and there will be no more running to dad's to do drying visa the drier or clothes line... I will be a very happy woman I have to say...

There is nothing all that wonderful going on... I did spend some time on the beach with my camera tonight and when I went looking at the pictures tonight after I was finished I realized that there is almost 400 photos on the camera... one of these days I will take them off maybe I should have not bought the 4 g memory card... I would take them off more often.... but then I am trying to see how many pictures a 4 g actually can hold... I know little things amaze me... but then if I was going out more often with my camera I would find out sooner he he...

Dad and I were suppose to be heading to Plaster Rock next week but Dad put it off until the Fall saying it was really too hot for travelling... so it will be the fall before we head that way... but I am still looking forward to a trip to see all my relations over that way.... and Jill is coming home in September and mentioned she would like to come so maybe we will wait.. I just think dad is not really crazy driving with me... but I am a great highway driver... really I am.. he he ...

Well think it is time for me to find something that will make me go to sleep... I do have a book somewhere in the house I started to read maybe that would do the trick... it usually does most time...

Have a good one all... Joanne

Friday, July 16, 2010

Jo Is On The Trail... Where Are You?

I am not a mean person... I have never wished deadly harm to any one or anything in my life... I have called some people names ... namely my brother Roger for the last 2 years but 99.99% of the time he is asking for it .. because he is what I say he is with me...

The last couple of weeks I have been actually doing spring cleaning in the house even though it is summer... it was not done.. and when something comes around after all my hard work and messes things up that is enough for me so tonight is the night... I am on the War Path....

Those who know me I have mentioned many times that I am here I have had unwanted visitors in the house.. the so call cute little kind... the ones that love cheese and peanut butter but they got smart and stopped coming to the traps so I went to something more serious the glue traps and let me tell you I have no sadness in my heart when I open a cupboard or a drawer and find one in the trap... in a bag and out in the garbage it goes... so don't bother with the ohhh poor little thing... I don't want to hear it... and yes I if I could find where they are coming in ... that would be the end of it.. but then I wouldn't be sitting here writing this tonight ...

So this week it was the kitchen I decided to clean the cupboards.. and since I am done with the large crowds at the house I actually decided to pack some of the much loved dishes from the cupboards into containers... leaving one set extra out instead of the 4 sets I have in the cupboards gathering dust and dirt and then I would have to clean them again next year or in 6 months when the mood hits me... but I went into the cupboard looking for flour one morning and discovered that the 4 legged monster had ate a hole through the bag... so out it went... the cupboard was a mess.. with all the flour and its waste... clean that up looked for the extra plastic containers.. and off I went ... then the next morning I went in and discovered that since the flour wasn't there for it to play with the night before it got into my cereal... so a slow burn started to show.. grrr my cereal the only one I have almost every morning... but no .. cleaned it up ... put a trap out and went on my way...

Yesterday morning I went in to get my cereal again that I actually was smart enough to put in a plastic container... and discovered that it was back that night and what a hell of a mess it made.... to a envelope of Side Kick... sooo I cleaned it up once again... moved everything into another cupboard thinking that it would be harder for it to get there... and went on my way until tonight... after dinner I put some broth from dinner on my glasses and I went to wash them... and went into the drawer to get a tea cloth.. my new ones that I really liked and discovered the little (not a nice name placed here) was in the drawer... actually I almost grabbed it... and no Yvette I didn't yell and jump on the chair because of it... a few more choice words came out of me and that was it .... it was either me or it.... I had picked the clothes to wash them and discovered it was tearing them apart to make a nest.... I don't think so

The last time I was out getting these traps I bought 4 boxes.. and each of them has 4 little traps in it and as of now there is 14 of them tucked around my kitchen... bedroom because Carl said it was near the garbage can last night... think it was the empty cheese stick bag I throw in yesterday from the dogs... and in the spare bedroom because it seems they love the bottom drawer of Great Nanny Melanson's Buffet... and all my table clothes which are at the moment in the washer... want to guess what is all over them...

I still like my Kraft dinner once in a while but this time I will not be eating it .. I went to each one of the traps and sprinkled a little cheese over each one... resist that one you little monster...

The next stop will be rat poison I am not playing around with these things any more... I don't mind animals in my house as long as they eat out of the appointed dishes... go out to do their business and stay out of my stuff....

I am sure Carl is going to have one heck of a good laugh when he comes in to see the red in my eyes and why it is there...

Off I go to finish up cleaning the cupboard once again and check the traps.. maybe I got lucky...

Happy trails guys... Joanne