Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time Flies! Doesn't it?

I never realized that it has been so long that I have had a urge to sit and write here... It has been awhile since I have anything to say that was not said before I guess... the sadness of my lose is still heavy on my heart and there are many morning the first thoughts are of my mom and that is okay... there are still things that happen that remind me of her and a tear comes to my eyes and that is okay as well...
I am starting or have been for that last week preparing the house for Christmas... leave a lot of the stuff in the containers this year... adding to what I have especially outside... Roger and FLo's moose was repaired this year and is on the front lawn... I went out and bought Candy Canes that light up and gift boxes which got Carl in gear with his ideas... our tree came out of the box and was put on a stand and is outside so that the gift boxes has a place.... I also did some plastic canvasing this year for outside... a big Merry Christmas which I have finishing making but not put out yet... I need some lights which surprisingly enough ran out of this year....I finally got decorations around my back door which I love so very much... and is there picture to go with all of this... yes there is but they are also still in the camera... we loved the real tree last year and we are doing it again this year... can't wait to go get one...and it will be back in the basement since it seems that is where we spend most of our time... and enjoy it more there then the living room.
I have not been doing a lot with the camera in the last months... forgetting it home is a reason behind it...
I have done a little bit of Christmas shopping but today looking for some photos to finish off one of the gifts I actually got two more while looking through them... I didn't find what I was looking for but I did find a lot that I need for later... namely the Christmas past wall... which has been moved this year... from the sitting room which went back to a bedroom... it will be in the porch so everyone can see them as they enter the house... it is not started yet.. that is my project of the day if I could get off this computer...
We were over to Plaster Rock last weekend with Dad... it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back again... it is terrible that it has been so long in between trips there...
My little family in Moncton has been sick so I have not been down there in the last month... I am sure Caleb is grown a foot and when I go in the next time he will not know me...
Well I hear things going on downstairs hoping that someone is making breakfast since I have been up for almost 4 hours and have not eaten yet...
Have a great Sunday all... nice talking to you all again... Joanne