Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Really Believe It Will.....

Hump Day once again and the sun is trying to come out but the loos of the sky the clouds are going to take over once again and it will rain... that was the first and only sentence I got to write this morning when I sat having tea before I headed up to mom and dad's... for a good part of the morning...

Yesterday was unreal with the rain... at times as I looked out the window I had to take a second look just to make sure it was still raining and not snowing that is how hard it was coming down... but that is okay I would rather have the rain over snow at this time of the year... any way the snow has to wait until Carl comes back... if not who the heck is going to shovel it... like not me... LOL.... Our little ditch around the house looked like a raging river for a while... totally amazing and of course I didn't take one picture of it ... duh me...

Updates on Mom and dad... not a lot with mom since she has no appointments for the next two weeks and I wonder who is smiling at that one... hmmmm her and me actually... but dad had a few of them this week... the first one was on Monday and all went ever well with that one which is always nice to hear... I will tell you as it was told to me... the kidney is working better then before and what ever he is doing to continue to do it because it seems to be working... in other words... stay on your diet dad he he.... then yesterday he had an appointment with the skin doctor... which I think it was a she not sure here... but I think I heard she said... some where in the conversation ... any way she gave him a cream for the rash that he has on his legs... and a new kind of sock for his legs...which he got this morning.... and then some bdy cream as well... that is from all the meds that he is on that is causing it...

While dad and Roger was out doing their thing this morning Mom and I headed out for a hearing aid cleaning and a surprise drop in with coffee at Flo... Her father is looking awesome and is doing just as good.. it was their last day being hooked up with Saint John's Hospital.. and I am sure there was a little dance for joy over that one...

We had a surprise visitor as well at Mom and Dad's today... Yvette actually came up... it was so nice seeing her since we have not since Thanksgiving... and she showed up just in time for lunch so poor mom and dad had Roger, Patsy, Yvette and I for lunch... wondering if mom went for a pill after we left... I am sure her head was splitting after all 4 nuts around the table LOl....

Since Carl has left I can't find the belt that I have been wearing... so I just assumed that I packed it with his stuff... and the only one that was left around was the one that is just a little too small to wear... you know like the jeans that are just a little too tight around the waist and when you wear them you feel like you just walked out of an all you can eat buffet well that is how the belt felt and it was uncomfortable period.... well I asked Carl tonight if I packed it with his but he said no.... hmmmm where did I put it... but I am not looking any more I say with a smile because City Leather got some business from me today... not one belt I got two of them...

About 10 years ago I used to talk this gentleman from Aussie Land (and no family who is reading this was not THAT Aussie) and one day I was complaining about something or other and he said to me... that I needed to feel good about things that I do... so he told me the next time I went to this Tim Hortons to buy a coffee for the next person that came in... that is all I was to say was I want to buy a coffee to the next person and tell them to have a nice day... in truth it felt good but I didn't really know how the one that was getting it felt until about a year later when I went in to get my Hot Chocolate and the manager passed me the drink, smiled and said Have a Nice Day.... I am be simple but boy did that feel good... so since then I have been making a point a few times a week to buy the person behind me as long as it is someone that I don't know a coffee.... today was no different... I paid for someones coffee but this time I noticed that he was following me...I ran the Yellow light so he couldn't catch up to me... it is more fun... being unknown...

So here is your assignment readers... tomorrow when you go out into this crazy world of ours... do something for someone that you don't know... buy them a coffee... open a door... help with packages... take a cart from an elderly person so they don't have to walk across two three lands to put it in the parking thingy... just do something for someone you don't know... smile at someone that you passed... like I told a young fellow that works at the local corner store one day.. that may be the only smile that this person has seen all day... when you have been served on do as dad does each and every time.... wish them to have a wonderful day.. . I really believe that it may make a little difference in someones life...

Well that is it for me... Have a Wonderful day tomorrow all... Hugs Jo

Sunday, October 26, 2008

He is leaving in less then 24 hours ohhh shoot

I can't believe that it is Sunday already and in less then 24 hours Carl will be off and running out to the West coast once again... hmmmm... no more said here...

It has been a week of having each a day of not feeling there has not been all that much going on around here... Yesterday we went out and picked up two new travelling bags for Carl so he could put his welding shield in it since the suitcase was way too small and of course I started the process of packing him up so everything will be ready for tonight before going to bed...

I have started my Sunday morning with emails after emails looking for information from some of the family members.... hoping I will get some answers on the information I am looking for.... and went out to surprise my sleepy head with coffee this morning... the boiling water thingy is still on for town... I am sure people are getting really few up with it... I know I would be... but then I don't have to worry about it...

I got a nice surprise in the mail this morning... yes I don't pick up my mail every day... but I thought I should at least check it before Carl leaves just in case there is something for him... there was something for both of us actually... our car insurance... for both cars... it went down again this year... ohhhh so happy or what... not a lot but it still went down... got to love that one... 108.00 a year ... could have went up that much....

Well I should start something here... maybe...or just go and let the dogs out and let them wake up old sleepy head....

Have a great day...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is It Too Soon?

7am and I am up but Carl went back to bed... he seems not to be feeling all that great so another little rub down with Vick and he is in la la land once again.... hoping he will be better when he gets up and is not really coming down with nothing all that bad...

The first part of yesterday was spent just relaxing getting a few things done with the computer and some house stuff until Carl went for his hair cut... he was starting to look like something you called for and couldn't come he he.... but he is back to a handsome dude once again... then it was off to do some shopping... for jeans, some nice wool socks and unmentionables... a drop in to mom and dad's have to stop in just to bug them for a little bit and was a surprise to mom since I told her I was not going to be over yesterday .... dinner and a little tv and that was it for our day... lay back and not too much in our plates for the day...

Flo went down and picked up her father on Tuesday only to return yesterday ... it is nice to hear that he is home once again and doing well....

I have three places on my weather eye program... here, Moncton and Slave Lake and at the moment I think I would like to be in Slave Lake because their weather is a lot nicer then it is here...anything above zero would make me happy but then I am sure when winter hits up there it will be just as bad if not worst then here.... living in Canada we just can't escape the winter... unless you are one of those that fly south for this time of the year...

Today's plans are not all that different from yesterday except for Carl hauling out the containers for Christmas so I can get to them... maybe I will find my craft container as well and stop going out buying supplies... I am still working on doilies and am on my 3rd set... I finished up mom and dad's Christmas cards yesterday except for the ones that have not sent me addresses... while I was out yesterday I actually found some things I would like to pick up for a few people for Christmas actually it was for Phoenix.... if everyone was children it would be so much easier to get things for them... but then are we not all like children around that time of the year....

I know that Christmas will be here this year and I have been debating on if I am going to do any baking this year... I didn't last and it turned out okay with all the stuff that came into the house... but I think a few things around the house would be really great... but that would mean that they would be available for us to eat and that is not good as well ... hmmm guess the baking is out of the question... will think of a new dessert for dinner and hope that everyone will eat it before they leave because I know I will after they leave....

The thoughts of Christmas is way to early as I said before but it is my friend's fault because she has sent a few things about Christmas to me via email... and of course the little bit of snow we got yesterday didn't help the matter at all.... wondering if any one would notice I am way too early for Christmas after Carl leaves LOL... well they wouldn't if they don't visit right...

I have also been thinking of different decorations out side this year... last year I asked for a tree to be put up in the yard the only thing I don't think I mentioned to Carl that I wanted to decorate it... because he came home with one that was as high as my bedroom window ... just a little too big for decorating ... now that he is going to be gone while the decorations go up.. maybe I will get one myself and get it decorated... hmmm wondering if I should get him to put up the lights on the house before he heads out on Monday....ok ok no more talk about Christmas... it is really not my fault here... I just love the time of the year...and I get a little crazy with decorations as well...

Well I should go start my day...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It is Already Hump Day Wow The Week Has Really Escaped Me

Well I know Winter is coming as I sit here with my wool socks and heavy shirt on to keep warm because I am still being stubborn to put up the heat up any higher then what is it now.... This morning I got up to light snow... Mother Nature is just telling us to get our act into gear and get those winter tires on because winter is on its way and around here it is always a long and cold one...what else can you expect in this part of the world...

As most of the family knows Carl and I made a trip down to Moncton with mom on Monday night to stay with Robin and Amanda so we could be there for yesterday to go for her test for Dr. Ruben... also all of the family knows the results of these test and the only thing I will say once again to the family is those who are near continue to spend as much time with her and dad as they possibly can and those who are away keep in contact with them... they always enjoy and Cherish the times that you call... and for those who have no idea what I am saying at this moment... mom has a tumor on her kidney and it grown once again since 4 years ago... and that is all I am going to say about it today....

Well is it another count down going on here this morning as we got Carl's ticket to return to work for Monday morning of next week... not a count down that I will even keep track of because I would rather extend this count down for as long as I possibly can... because as before and as it will be for every time he leaves I will miss him dearly...

We did get to go to Costco while we were in Moncton and I decided I was picking up some things for me or should I say Christmas which is for me he he... I got the cutest set of 3 night lights for the house and some Santas to put on the window sill of my dining room ....and it is official I have started Christmas shopping... as I picked up the first gift while I was there... and I am not saying who it is for he he... I need to go back and actually take like 10 hours to go through the store and see what they actually have in each and every department... it has been the second time visiting and still have not touch 1/3 of what they have... I know their Christmas section is wonderful and could have walked out of there with several other things but held myself back... actually I have to say I didn't break the bank this trip but God only knows what is going to happen the time around...

This morning while we were at the table having our first caffeine of the day Carl actually thought that I was getting started on Christmas as I opened the things I bought at Costco though I thought it was never too early to put the night lights up he he... but I put them back in the boxes and said no not until after November 11th... which reminded me to get Carl to take out all the containers out of storage for me... if he doesn't get back before then I will be in a fit not having them around to start my month long process of getting the house decorated.... yes it takes me that long to do that... a little at a time....

Well lunch time have a wonderful one all...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just A Quiet Saturday

My Saturday morning started very early 4:30 and ended between 8-9 that is why I am up at this hour of the morning once again.

While I had time to myself I started to organize my special Christmas project but didn't get very far not really sure what order I should put it all in. This morning I did get a little farther then looking at it spread out on the table and put some of it together... but not much... maybe tomorrow... I think I have a long road ahead of me with this one and the thought that was going through my head while sitting at the table this morning was Why or How do I come up with these ideas? I just hope that it will be appreciated when it is all done.

Saturday started for Carl around 8 am and that is when we got on the move... going to the market was a must since I didn't get eggs last week because I was there too late and they were all sold... but not this time... after a market kind of breakfast we dropped into both parents for a visit... with Robin dropping in at mom's while we were there... that ended the morning for us... and as we headed home talks of a quiet first part of the afternoon was on our lips but that was about it because within the hour Matthew came a knocking and at 3 pm I headed out to pick up mom for church leaving the two guys and two puppies behind...

By the time I walked out of church my nose was burning, I coughed my way through the celebration and my eyes were stinking... I was never so happy to get out in the cold fresh air... My question to the woman that was in front of us was... okay you didn't have time for a shower this week so you decided to hide the dirty smell with the bottle of perfume you picked up at the Dollar Store or you love this stuff so much that you had to share it with everyone that was around you for a 100 miles or so...which ever it was I wanted to ring her blood neck...

Carl has started a mission... it started yesterday morning while he was looking at the fliers at mom and dad's... he tore out the add from Sears for a GPS... he out to find himself a GPS for when he is travelling... don't mind that at all... so after church he was up at mom's when we got there and to started the venture... first stop was Canadian Tire... they had a few there... next we stopped to pick up pop at Jean Coutu and found a couple there... then off to Bathurst's Place Mall to the Source to have a look there... he will go to every possible place to see their GPS and at the end of it... and this is from experience he will go buy the one at one of the first places he went looking... and that will be either on Saturday or Sunday since Monday he is on his way again out West..... I did make him stop though because I needed food... he he

That was how we spent the first part of the evening... by the time we got home we were both looking for a nap so I said okay you go lay down until 10 then we will watch our movie.... I will get you up... ya right that was going to happen... because by 9 I was in bed watching a movie on the TV and was out like a light within minutes... only to get up at 2 am and that is why I am writing this at this hour of the morning...

I also have to say thank you to Carl for getting that stupid smart card for Bell Express View straighten out for the upstairs TV... and also finally setting up the dvd player... it has only been up there for hmmmm 2 or so years without it being hooked up... now I can start watching other movies other then the VHS ones ....

Well off to bed I go for the second time tonight... hopefully I will get a couple of more hours in... Have a wonderful Sunday guys...


Friday, October 17, 2008

Less then 24 Hours.. ohhhh Yess

To Lise ... she has gotten better with age... lol that is Pat I mean... with me I have two excuses I am taking photos since I was the only one with the camera out.... that day and of course the dirty habit which I still have and not going to say what it is
Thursday was actually a not too bad of a day... I did some shopping that I have been wanting to do for a while but just put it all off.... don't get too excited... I bought myself batteries for my mouse and that was it... the rest was household stuff and dog food.... I also finally found something that I liked to use as curtains well the color was right actually... and went to work on them last night and got them made and up .... I think someone is going to be totally surprised to find out that I finally made that decision... and actually have matching curtains up in the bedroom after a year of looking... but I am not telling you what they were before they became my curtains....LOL...of course I am still working on finishing the house.... ohhh yes... 20 hours and 20 minutes left to go... do you realize that this is going to go on again the next time he comes home... LOL... you poor people having to listen to me and my silly count downs... you think the man was gone for months instead of weeks...
I also went out for lunch with Pat today ... the meal was not all that great but the company was awesome... it is always so nice to get together with my sisters every once in a while... now if I can get the other one up here once in a while to actually go out for lunch with her that would be close to a miracle....
Tuesday... October 21 Mom is going down to Moncton to have test and an appointment with Dr. Ruben... we will be leaving on Monday and staying with Robin and Amanda for the night... I think mom will enjoy spending time with them... and she will get to see their new house as well... this way it will mean that we will not have to get up at 5 am to get on the road for an early morning appointment... it will be less rushed... this will be strange... a road trip with mom... he he ... and when we get back will let every one know how it turned out... maybe even some photos.. you never know...
Okay not sure if Flo is going to like this one but her dad is having open heart surgery this morning around 8 am so say a little prayer everyone so things will go well... though I am sure it will but putting in a little word would be a good thing... wishing him well....
Well it is 1:30 hear so maybe I should get my backside to bed... and be rested for tomorrow... the list is still long so it will be a long day just waiting for the plane to come in.... so a good nights rest would be good...
TGIF... to all... Joanne

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just Another Hump Day

Thursday and 1 day 15 hours and 39 minutes from now someone will be home...but last night he also told me that he will be going back on the 27 ... which means I have 11 days... and wouldn't be returning until the contract is over...

Yesterday when I got out of bed... I knew what I had to do for the day but by 9 and a phone call it changed... mom's appointment was cancelled for yet another week... but I still had one more to get to for Miss Maggie... she is looking so beautiful this morning... and smells so clean and while she was at the grooms I took Mr. Kodak up to see Nanny and was a quiet day around the house and not alot going on.. Roger had the afternoon off and he arrived at the house with 3 flats of strawberries... you know what we did for a little part of the day... mom and dad now has 8 containers in their freezer for strawberry jam throughout the winter...and everything that needed to be picked up off the lawn Roger and Flo got done as we hulled and sliced strawberries...

The rest of the day was picking up Maggie and getting my two brats home.... getting some of the floors and rooms done... I am down to the two worst the kitchen and bathroom and I can't pay the puppies to do the bathroom like I use to do to Craig when he was living at the house... I really hate the bathroom... that much.... some knitting...burning my shake and bake chicken because I was not paying attention... I think it is the first real meal I have made for myself since Carl has been gone... better get my act together when he is home or he is going to be eating very well done meals... lol... and a very early bed time which meant a very early morning...

There are no appointments today... nice... I do have a luncheon date with my sister... very nice... and a few things I need to pick up because I am out of them... but today will be spent here at the house and with some luck the house will be finished and maybe if I get my lazy backside outside I will also finish up putting things away in the yard which I never got back to since last week... but today it is calling for rain... hmmmmm.... maybe I wouldn't get it done he he...

Belated Happy Birthday to Robin hope your day was a very nice one... and see you this weekend...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting Things Together I Hope... LOL

Sunday night I was called to the big house for a few minutes and when I got to the light in East I noticed a couple of young fellows on their scooters...I thought it must be cold for them as I passed them by.... but by the time I got to the red light at the mill they were on my butt... they continue to follow me up south and at the church the little buggers passed me on a solid light with a car coming only to turn in just before the school...I was going the speed limited I don't usually venture much over it after dark... it happened to be a place where I knew the people... as I continued up to mom's my thoughts were do I or don't I call this person to let them know how their child was disregarding the laws of the road.... would I want to know if it was one of my boys... when I got to the house I decided that I would want to know and called Lynn... only to find out that it was not her son but friends of her son's.... but she gave me the name of the parents saying the same thing they would want to know... it is always easier when you know the people for some reason... but I took the time and called the parents... I told them who I was, how I got her name and why I was calling adding that as a parent I would like to know that my child was not driving properly on the road... she was nice, police and thanked me for the call... as I hung up I had a funny feeling the boys would be walking for a while in the near future...

Monday was kind of a lazy day here... starting with the posting of the rest of the photos from Thanksgiving dinner at Yvette's then a load of is totally amazing how much one person can dirty in a few days... I took a few hours out of my day to go visit Carl's parents with no puppies... sorry Carl.... maybe this week .... then to pick up a few things at Jean Coutu, picked up a couple of girlie movies... one of the benefits of being alone you get to watch what you want he he... ... and of course I needed to stop at mom and dad... that is like the law around here...home again in less then 3 hours that is a record for me.... watched the movies... and made another 2 doilies... the others were already given out... to Pat... making another set for the next person on my list...

The one thing that has been on my mind this weekend and I have not come to a final decision yet is the hall...yes I still have not picked a color for it.... I think it is because of the border that I have around it that is stopping me... I still have not found a replacement for it... it is of teddy bears which I love so very much and said that I wouldn't paint the hall until I got another one but I have not found anything yet in this town... I love my teddy bears... what can I say... maybe I will take a look in Moncton and see if it is there... and the next trip out I will get it done... Carl thinks I am too slow with my painting... I probably am but I like to take my time...

I also started cleaning around the house starting with the bedroom... it is not really dirty but there is so much stuff hanging around...I thought of putting everything away but then I knew that most of it would have to be taken out again later so I spent a good part of the morning... working on the rest of the calendars... getting envelopes addressed for our Christmas cards... though I still need a few of them... and you know who you are.... hint hint... so by the time I got to bed... the room was picked up ... my computer desk actually can be seen... and the rest of the room was cleaned and washed down... and Mr. Teddy Bear is back in the corner on his chair...

Today is voting day which I stuffed the sheet in my purse the first thing I got up so I wouldn't forget to do... a trip to the hospital with mom for test and a trip to the grocery store for something to eat... while I have been alone I have been picking up by day what I want to eat and not thinking about the holiday it was slim picking around here yesterday though I could have went up to mom and dad's last night for more turkey if I wanted to... LOL... they believe that Yvette gave them 1/2 the bird on Sunday to take home... I bet I know what is for lunch today lol... turkey sandwiches...

Well I am off to get some things done so have a great Tuesday all!!!! Joanne

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving Sunday Instead of Monday Part 2

Connor out excerising

with Kramer after his feasting of pies ...

It he handsome or what...

Some of us sit around and enjoy

the after glow of a meal like this...

Other get their act into gear and actually work ...

and then there me is

who just stands around snapping photos...

anything to get out of washing dishes...

is my only thought...

The cook sitting around enjoying her cup of tea...

for now he he

A couple of swings with the golf club

Oh where oh where are all the balls gone...

Kramer helping out in the search....

Not sure what this is about...

maybe I don't want to know LOL...

Mom has this thing...

I am done so you are too...

so hand over the cup...

if you are finished or not...

I see Yvette is trying really hard to finish up

before she takes the cup to wash it...

there are many a days that dad doesn't get

to finish up tea after any meal...

Is this a little protest or what ???? ha ha

I have to say my sister has one heck of an expressive face...

Before this happened I have to say Danie was telling us

how childish Pat and I was about the kissing of mom...

like wiping off each others kisses

from mom to give her a better one...

trying to be the last one to kiss mom as we are leaving...

ohhh yes it is childish but so much fun too...

and then... they got into the chocolate... and they started....

This was the aftermath of Look Danie How Many Chews...

tongue sticking out...

very gross and they say that Pat and I are childish...

ya right at least we are not gross about the whole thing...

The one thing about this family getting

together there is always a lot of laughter...

Kramer and dad didn't hit it off really

well at the beginning of the afternoon

but by the end of the day Kramer was sitting

by dad letting him pet him.. way to go Kramer...

Hubert and John in a great discussion...

And here is the sign... God love her...

it is time for me to pack up the camera and the car...

and head on back to Bathurst... Mom is ready to go...

Thanksgiving should not be just this day of the year but each and every day that we are able to get out of bed to face yet another day... for the life we have good or not... if the road of life was always smooth would it not become a bore.... for those that have touched our lives may they be the people we love with all our hearts or a stranger on the street.... for the people we love that are in our lives each and every day or for those who can't be with us to share the day we are starting... knowing that some day soon we will come together and share even a little time with each other....

For the air that we breath, the food that we eat may it be from our own hands or the hands of others... the beauty of Mother Nature any time of the year.... the freedom we have each and every day of our lives....Thank you God for all that you have given me in my life... but most of all thank you for giving me the love of my family....

Happy Thanksgiving Once Again


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Sunday Instead of Monday Part 1

My eyes opened to be greeted to sunny skies which made me happy since I had to travel today... and as I thre the blankets back I realized maybe I should start putting on some heat in the house...well maybe now... a sweater and socks would do for now still.... yes I am cheap...
As I walked down the stairs the smell of the broccoli bake hit me like a ton of bricks... ohh just a small taste just to make sure that it was okay for the rest of the family... ya right I know myself.... one tast will lead to another... and there wouldn't be enough left for everyone else... so I left it alone... for now any way....
As I turned the corner of the kitchen outside the winow was covered with white stuff... not snow yet just a very heavy frost but it was still pretty... I know I am a nut... frost only means that it is getting colder which means winter is coming but it was still pretty....
Sunday morning one of my favorite part of my week... old music blasting thoughout the house only time I actually listen to Max 104.9 ... oldies and Jeff Foxworthy's country count down.... So as the music filled the house I got both puppies and myself some breakfast... found my basket to pack for the trip... and the morning when quickly by with the final touches to the car... picked up mom and dad and down the road we went... to see the rest of the family who were at the time working very hard to cook a meal for us...
The drive was so beautiful with all the fall colors in full aray wishing that someone else was doing the driving so I could have taken in more then I did... with the car going closer to that white line every once in a while when I took a longer look then I was suppose to... he he... dad noticed but mom didn't that was what counted LOL... yes I would have stopped a dozen times along the way if I was alone...maybe next time...
Turkey cooked to a perfect golden brown.. very juicy... stuffing made from scretch... way to go... potatoes, carrots, string beans, real gravy... not that package stuff... of course broccoli bake, cranberries and rolls.... ohhh almost forgot ham... a feast kind for any King but made for us to celebrate our THansgiving together.... of course there was dessert.... peacan (made by Danie and I took a lite bite from Papa's piece very good hon) apple and blueberry pie and Banana bread with chocolate chips...ohhhh that was very good too....
As we were getting to leave we presented with apple jelly and banana bread to take home made by Danie...don't know she was such a good little cook.... I would like to say instead of coming home and pigging out on the bread it went into the freezer so Carl can share it with me when he gets home...
To Yvette and Hubert I would like to say thank you so very much for hosting Thanksgiving this year it was a wonderful change for me.... and I totally enjoyed it so very much... Danie for all her wonderful baking... you make it an awesome day for all of us...
Of course I was there and you know what else was with me lol the camera... here are the first pictures of the day... I will post the others tomorrow...
Ohhh yes before I finish this blog I have to say ... way to go to Danie... you are looking out of this world... keep up the good work...
Happy Thanksgiving to all... Love Jo

It seems that I get one of these photos each and every time
Danie and dad are together... their private little chat before
their total visit begins...

I think this is the cutest little guy...

Mom helping out

A beautiful table set... as usual...

Aunty Love

Mom's plate...

I usually catch Yvette in this position... this year it was Pat...
Why not she is not here all that often for Thanksgiving... he he

Connor waiting for dessert hoping he gets a taste of all three...

He is a happy boy....
So is dad ....
And so is Grandpa
See you tomorrow for the rest of them...