Friday, July 31, 2009

These Are My Excuses and I am Sticking To Them...

Okay the pictures are not up... but they are in the computer well they were put in on Tuesday... I have had visitors at night so I have not been getting any of the work I normally get done then... and at this moment I am sitting here waiting for a flight to come in so I can go and pick up Kyle who is according to online is on time ... well that will be a miracle I think.... and then I am next going to blame Monique who has been beating my backside in the games on Facebook and that is not going well with me... next to the fact that I am a game nut...

I thought tonight would be a good night... Kyle and Carl will spend some time together and I would sneak up here to do some blogging but that is not going to work as well since Val and Ray are coming in as well to visit... no one knows who they are lol... they are Carl's nephew and niece from Cape Breton...

Today I have had lots of action around the house and the four dogs have been going crazy up until I came back after my daily run out ... they are doing the ditch along the front of the house and putting in a new driveway (she says smiling since it is not costing her anything) I am hoping they will be done before my company comes... or Sandra is going to have a yard full tonight with all the extra cars from my place....

So when I get a few minutes sometimes this week I will do the posting of the photos from the anniversary and my 2009 ones since I have actually been keeping up with them this week... another miracle...

Later all... Joanne

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Day Before and Times Two

The day started early with a few pick ups and then the pots were on the shove the water started to boil and didn't stop until noon... the chicken is now ready for the bar b que.... Thanks to Robin who came down to visit and was put to work peeling the potatoes, one job I hate with a passion.. the potato salad was on its way to getting made... Flo got in just in time for the cutting of the Broccoli...the eggs were cooked, shelled and divided up for potato Salad and devil eggs one of mom's favorite things so there is always a few of them around for her and those that like them as well... the pasta was then cooked and when all was ready the making of the salads started and by a little after 2 pm the fridge was stuff with tomorrow night's dinner...

While all this was going on the phone continued to ring and visitors came and went... I have so little visitors here most of the time but the last few days the door has been swing... Roger came to pick up Flo and while here a little disappointment came in the form of a phone call... Peter's flight was cancelled, he and Shayne will only be arriving sometimes on Sunday...

After a short resting time Carl and I were off once again to Stephen and Barbara's (Rebecca's in laws) for a bar b que that I didn't have to make he he.... I think I am going to hire Stephen for the bar b quing ... the man must stood in front of it for over an hour cooking almost every kind of meat that was possible.. the meal was good but the company was even better especially since I got to spend some more time with Rebecca and Lisa... A few drinks and lots of chatting... got to love that...

When we arrived home we were greeted not by two puppies but four... Robin and Amanda are off on vacation this week and I get to sit their puppies for two weeks... the house will be fill with just them around... so now all is settled in for the night ... and I should do the same ....

I have photos of tonight but they are in the trunk of my car so I guess I will have to download them tomorrow to show you them... Have a great one all... Joanne

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Puppies You just Have to Love Them

There are times when I am running the roads for most of the day and I wonder why I have the dogs because on those days they are in their kennel for the time that I am gone... and when I want to go away for a few days and end up not going because I don't have any one around to look after them... and then there are days that I wonder if I am going to survive their continuous barking at anything that moves around the house even myself when they don't expect me to move...
But at night when the house is oh so quiet and I am downstairs watching a movie or television and they come down and lay on Carl's car with their face on the arm watching me... I go awe... or this afternoon when Miss Maggie almost broke my heart when I left her behind at the groomers... and she started to cry as I walked out like she was saying "Please don't leave me here I promise I won't dig any more holes in the yard when it is raining, I will be quieter. I promise don't leave me here." Then coming home to Kodak only to watch him go through every room looking for Maggie and not finding her... coming upstairs to sit by my chair looking at me as if he is saying "She wasn't that bad was she? I miss her." With that he took his spot behind my chair making sure that I couldn't move without him knowing about it... I am sure he was laying there thinking.. Carl left me, now Maggie is gone... Jo is not leaving without me...that is it I have her locked in. Cute or what...
When I came home with Maggie, who by the way is looking very pretty with her hair cut, it was another story altogether with Kodak did the howling thing and then proceeded to smell every part of her, knowing where she was and what happened to her in the time she was gone and making sure she was okay... the funny part of this is... I actually think he knows that it is his turn next... the big question is when he he ...
It is Friday and I am up way too early... I forgot to put the garbage out last night and have a 10 am appointment since I don't use an alarm clock in this house I get up on my own and most times it is this early in fear I would miss it....
This coming week is mom and dad's 63th wedding anniversary and we are celebrating it on Sunday... so this morning Flo and I (with Monique tagging along he he) are out to do the shopping for it... the list is made and sitting on the table so I don't forget it... and then tomorrow we get to spend a good part of the day chopping, slicing and cooking everything that is to be eaten on Sunday here... for all of the 30 family members that are home this week... it should be a blast that is for sure....
Monique came back to visit this week since Lisette is home and she had not seen her sister in a while... but I also got to have her here at the house last night since it was way to late to travel back to Yvette's after the Loverboy Concert.... Peter and Shayne will be arriving tomorrow afternoon and Pauline , Joseph, and Jacob on Sunday... Welcome home can't way to see you all...
Well I think it is time for me to actually start my day... so have a wonderful weekend all... I will be back probably on Sunday night with photos of the celebration... Joanne

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh My It Has Been A Week Already.....

I can't believe that it has been a week since I sat down in from of the computer to write on my blog but then there has not been much going on to even write about...

The last two days I have been doing something I really enjoy at mom and dad's... and that is painting... they finally bought some paint to paint the clothes stand, the back porch steps and the picnic table... well yesterday Roger and I took on the stand and thought we were going to do the picnic table but as we took a break every one was out sitting at the table until it was time for me to go home... talking about doing it today but Roger did it last night without telling me... so when I showed up this morning with my painting clothes in tow I was a little disappointed as it is one of my favorite things to do... but there was more to do... a thingy that has been in the rose bushes for several years not painted and I did the second coat on the stand which made me happy...

Yesterday afternoon Lisette and Paden showed up at the house.. which is always a wonderful surprise and a great pleasure since we don't get to see the both of them all that often... of course the camera came out...

It was sunny and hot out so we got mom's sun glasses for her and I passed her my hat... she doesn't look all that bad with both of them...

Of course I had to get a photo of Lisette and dad together...

We tried to get Paden to look at the camera but there was no way he was going to do it for any of us... but.... you know me I am sneaky sometimes Paden...
And when you were not looking I was snapping away... he he got you honey ....

Of course there was one of Lisette and mom together as well...

A little while a go they discovered that the Melanson Family had a on going visitor to the feeders other then the birds ... a little chipmunk.... and mom because amazed by it... and Flo to add things to it... yesterday she took out the little basket, dog and nuts for the chipmunk... and I turned the corner to take some photos of the little fellow and ended up taking this one of her with her camera...
This week we are also preparing to celebrate another year of mom and dad together... 63 years... amazing is what I think... so we are having a bar b que on Sunday with the family that will be here.... which will be a lot more then we first thought since several of the grand and great grandchildren will be home for it... so you know that there will be photos come Sunday night or Monday morning...

I have been also busy with the knitting department... finishing up another sweater.. and several pair of socks... I am thought I got a great pattern for a hat for the baby but I didn't like the way it was working out so I am still looking for one... maybe it is time to go up to my sister in law's and actually get the pattern I use to make for the boys.. I know that I liked that one... sweaters just can't be made without a hat to go with it.... bonnets are being left up to Sharon she is better at them then I am unless she has a fool proof one for me... time to go visit her I think.... when I get the hat and socks done I will post them... they are just tooo cute for words.... I know one thing our little bean will not have cold feet when he/she shows up....

Well off to project 2009 to post some photos as well....have a great night... Joanne

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One Thing At A Time ...Never

Bananas and strawberries a perfect breakfast combination to start the day with… actually any time of the day but it is when I like it best. This morning I started my day with the wonderful sun shining through the windows with a little promise of maybe having a warm day instead of the rain we have been having for the last few days but within an hour the sky turned dark gray and the hopes of a day of sunshine was lost…thought if I got lucky and had a breeze with the sun I may get out and do some weeding today but I don’t think so…

I am happy to say I have finally finished my first baby sweater I have knitted in 20 years. I had a few redoes but I think it came out pretty good. I am sure the second one will be better… I still have trouble picking up stitches for some reason… So last night I sewed the teddy bear buttons I found on and it is now waiting for Our Bean to show up to show it off. I also have the makings for yet another two sweaters one size up from this one and I found another pattern I think I can do yesterday when I went to get the yarn for the second sweater…

I am a person that can’t just do one thing at a time… usually two but many times more… like I was knitting blankets and booties and when I got tired of booties, which I know is for a bit I will be back at it, I started the sweater but finished up the blanket then started another one… the sweater is in the TV room while the blanket is upstairs so when I am not at the computer I am knitting… this last week I added yet another thing to the stuff I am doing…

It all started last week when I walked out of the shower and for some reason only realized that the Christmas bath mat was still on the floor and was not looking all that great…so I decided it was time to change this so off I went looking for a gray mat since my bathroom is gray and purple… I was very surprised to find one very easily and was actually shocked to find gray towels on special, though Flo picked them up for even cheaper a few days later… of course you know I went back to get more to discover that they actually had some purple ones… Happy I am of course…

This only got the ball rolling to change a few other things around the room like now I wanted something for the toothbrushes and things that were on the little shelf… of course where do I go for those things… well the dollar store of course… who could not have guess that one of me he he… but nothing was to be found but I did find something else… crates that were not painted… and the thought of getting the baskets out of the bathroom thrilled me to no end… so I walked out of the store with one crate and purple paint…

the next day I was back for two more… one the same size and a smaller one …. All done everything put in place… I walked into the dining room where there was yet another basket for my pills on the buffet so back to the dollar store for another crate…

me being me that didn’t stop there… I thought there are baskets upstairs which hold all my cds for the computer… hmmmm now that is an idea… so back to the store and 5 more were picked up… but now that they are done and I think they look really cool I am heading back for more to use not only for my cds but my pens and pencils and whatever else I can use them for to make that poor shelves on my actually look more organized… like that would every happen with me…the only problem I have now is where am I going to put the 12 baskets that I am not using any more…

On the news front… we have a new sister in law Louie got married on Saturday in Newfoundland to Yvonne Cooper… hope we get to meet you soon Yvonne… and congratulations to the two of you…..Lisette and Paden will be home come Friday for a visit… can’t wait to see you two… Pat returned safe and sound on Friday… and if I am not mistaken Monique is returning while Lisette is visiting… hope to see both of you…All is going good with mom and dad…Rebecca and Annie was over to Halifax this pass weekend to see Paul in concert and from what I saw on facebook they had a great time…

Well that is it… I really need to go do something before I go join Maggie and Kodak on the bed and go back to sleep… have a great one all… Joanne…

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Little of Everything

It is Hump Day today and I am actually starting to count the days for Carl's return... you think I might have missed him a little while he has been gone... I still have two more sleeps and sometimes during Friday he will be arriving home... I know I will not be the only one that will be happy to see him drive in the yard... I just can hear the howls coming out of the puppies when they realize that he is back in the house...

Another dentist appointment for me this morning for yet another check up to make sure all is good with my new teeth... and I think it will be the last one... except for not yet getting to eat meat things are good... I think that is because my gums are not totally healed yet... so I am sure in the near future I will be able to sit down and have a nice rib steak and enjoy it...

I am considering the last three days as miracles because we have had the sun shining... which means I don't want to punch anyone out any more... he he... but have not taken the time to even venture out into the flower beds... I walk to the car and get attacked by the bugs so you know I am not out there... I was at mom's yesterday Flo was putting out the lawn decorations and she was complaining about the bugs... so can you imagine what it is like down here...

I always enjoy having little animals roam around the yard and for the last week or so there has been a ground hog that I have spotting every once in a while... but yesterday when I was heading up to mom and dad's for dinner there he was in the middle of the road... somebody hit him... I was glad to see that someone picked it up before I got home last night... I thought of doing the same thing when I got back... poor little thing...

Mom and dad are doing good... dad was up to for his blood test on Monday and that is about all there is in the new department ... he goes every 3 months for these blood test so it is a normal thing for checking his kidneys because of the medication he is one... mom is doing really good...

Pat is away at the moment.. though I think I mentioned that when she left several weeks ago... and she will be heading back our way on Friday or travels to you sis...

I am still clicking the knitting needles... found a very simple pattern for a sweater so that is what I am trying at the moment ... totally amazing how fast a little sweater can go... I made a sleeve and front last night while watching a movie... was also out picking up some stuff yesterday and of course I came home with something else for the baby... it is not like Our Bean is going to be spoiled or anything... nooo not by me anyway....ha ha

Well I have been up for a while but have been playing with facebook... addictive I have to say... it is the games... which I have always been addictive to but I have two little puppies that would really like to get out and get fed... so have a great hump day all...


Saturday, July 04, 2009

Photos I Talked About

The usual morning routine in our house... coffee/tea, the computer and a game... normally it is one that you are trying to bet someone Else's score

Monique was working on betting Carl's at this point of the morning... while having her coffee...

What a face... don't you just what to love it to death... it was such a joy to spend some time with Sarah... it has been a few years since they had came to the house to visit so I had found a very big change in her... thanks for coming to visit.. come again any time...

Monique decided to try and better my score on tri towers... which she did until I got on the computer and really did my thing... in the mean while Sarah was travelling up and downstairs checking on where each of us were... of course she had to inform her mom where I was at... very well a head of her and as of today... this there... he he though I have to say she did get a head of me on other games... ohh this can be so addictive...
I think frustration is setting it at this point... he he

Mom's tiger lilies

And the last of her Columbine... love these flowers...

I went to take a few pictures of her roses and she was standing in the window watching me... I looked up to see her frowning...

I gave her a smile and she smiled back...and snap....

I like these flowers when they are blooming but the second they start to die they look so terrible...
and this one... well it is a wild flower that I have to take a trip to the library to find out what it is ... but I thought it was so pretty had to add it in the photos...

Well that is about it ... I am off to the market with Flo this morning... when I am not sure.. she has not called yet... so I am waiting on that... have a great day... hope the sun is shining your way... Joanne

Friday, July 03, 2009

So Did Someone Steal The Sun On Us

It has been a week since I sat down to write anything on my blog... In all honesty it is facebook that has been the reason for it... it is the second thing I click on when I get on line... email is the first and since I don't get a lot of those, then I get involved with the games that are on it and all of a sudden a few hours has passed me by and I am running late for this that and the other thing... it is a very addictive program especially since I love playing games.

It is the rain as well... I have not been in the flowers or the garden all week I can image the weeds that are in both of them when I do get a chance to get out there to weed... maybe I will just wait until Carl comes home and he can do it because it is one of my least favorite things to do... even the birds feeders have not been filled this week but I am not feeling all that bad about that one since there is lots in the woods for them to eat... I wish the sun would show up some time soon... this is actually getting depressing... it has been over 2 weeks since it has showed its face around here...

At the home front all is going good... I did have some special visitor this week.. Monique and Sarah... they came in on Monday and spent the night with us... even then we didn't do all that much exciting... out for dinner at the new restaurant up in Pabineau and then a movie night... of course Monique and I got to spend some time alone having a chat... missed those alot... hmmm wondering if she got home safe and sound since she left yesterday...

I do have some photos to post but they are still in the camera, in my bag in the car so I guess I should take it in the next time I go out... I think I am just being lazy or losing interest in taking the time to sit and write about things that are going on around here...

Well I am off to make a promised call to Matthew who is not working today and is in Fredericton for the weekend.. and then off to go shopping for sneakers for mom...

Have a great one all.. Joanne