Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ohhhh NO We Have Trailer Trash In The Family Again

But I have to say.. .kind of nice trailer trash ... he he .....This blog is for every one but it is especially for Flo, Peter, Pauline and the three boys...
We were up to see the trailer this afternoon with Roger and I took a ton of pictures of the area and the trailer.... and here they are... oh yes please excuse some of the picture they were taken through the car window and Roger didn't have it cleaned for me... he he

And the tour begins....

This is the front enterance of the camp grounds... 

If you are a vistor or no little ticket on your car you have to park here... and walk.. but it is not all that far to get to Roger and Flo's trailer...

There is a place for all kinds of junk food.... 

You have to pass the guard before getting into the grounds.. he he 

There is a swimming pool for the kids .... and adults of course....

Washrooms and laundry rooms... 

And a play ground.. there are lots of children and lots of bikes... so drive very carefully ...

And there she be... home away from home...

And who was there to greet me he he but Roger and that funny character behind him making a very scary face.... 

The Master bedroom before I got there....

The master bedroom after I get there.... already... for company

Ohhhh I think it is already for Flo ... Roger is waving hello... when are you coming home... I am missing you.... 
This is the boys bedroom .... someone not saying who but we all know who it was... forgot to bring up the rest of the bed clothing so I could get that together too... maybe the next time... 
The third bed in the boys's bedroom.... 
The kitchen and living room area... 
and to the bathroom we go... ohh that is what papa always says he he....
another view of the bathroom
ohhh look at this a full bath tub... a little short on the tub but I am sure the short people in our family can use it.. not saying who that is.. .he he 
and out to the kitchen... the fridge...
The fridge with the most important things in it... coke for Roger and wine for Flo... 
Roger is already in the fridge looking for something.... 
the sinks...
the cupboards with dishes in them... 
The stove covered
the stove uncovered... hey what can I say Roger said take lots of photos... 
the kitchen counter and more cupboards
the new coffee maker and toaster...
the mirror in the living room/ kitchen area
ohh the living room area 
Carl setting the time of the micro wave...
Roger and Carl just relaxing and chatting... that is what this place is for... relaxing 
the music system 
Roger locking up for the day... he will be back up with mom and dad tonight... 
And Peter and Pauline you just have to go out of the grounds across the road to do your groceries... up the road a bit is a fish shop .....down the road is a few resturants... ohhh I am sure there is more and Flo can tell you because I think I stopped listening to Roger just about that time... by the trans Canada it is only about 15 minutes to nanny and papa Melanson's... 

Looking forward to seeing Flo again soon... and Peter and Pauline when you and the boys show up this summer... have a great one... Love Jo... 

I tried to start a blog yesterday but my alone time was up and it was time to get my day started and actually do something besides sitting in front of the computer which would have been very easy since it called for rain all day... so working outside would have been out of the question...
Actually that is where I should be at the moment because Carl is out there working in the flower beds with the little tiller... we are giving up on the mulch this year in most of the beds and using the tiller to get rid of those bloody weeds that I can't seem to control very much... by the time I am done weeding the beds which takes about 5 days I have to start all over again... especially the ones that look like little Christmas trees when they come out of the ground... they are worst then the weeds from hell aka bishops weeds... I can't believe that I actually seen some of the Bishop's weed being sold at Canadian Tire this year... any way I should be out there behind him smoothing out the beds as he goes along and as you can see what I should be doing is not what I am doing this morning... he he ... but then when the heck do I do what I am suppose to be doing any way... LOL...
As I was getting ready to leave yesterday Carl was out checking on the bird feeders and discovered that we had a very big visitor to the feeders the night before... not one we wanted to even see in our yard but it was here... a black bear cub actually... it cleaned out all the feeders, bent the Shepard hooks, and then had the nerve to leave its droppings behind as if it was saying I was here and you can't do anything about it... we know it is a cub because it was back last night trying to get to the feeders that are in the front of the kitchen window... and every body knows if there is a cub around mother bear is not to far behind...
A few days ago I was driving down to the house and passed a field where the bears are normally seen but I had not seen them for a few years but every time I pass I slow down to check it out... I was wondering where they were.... then I met up with one of our neighbors at the gas bar and he was telling me that there was a mother with two cubs around the area and they were putting out traps for them because they are actually coming up on to the patios not thinking that they would even come close to the house... boy was I mistaken or what...
Back to yesterday... it would usually take about an hour or so to get to Jardin's but yesterday we left the house about 11:30 and only got back at 6:30... very nice day trip for us without leaving the area... stopped in at the Bargain Shop along the way... picked up a few things there... then stopped at a shoe place that I always go looking for my shoes at.. no luck this time... dropped in at a garage sale... and then to the garden center to visit the gazebo that we have fallen in love with but there is no way we will buy it... it is made of cast iron and the price tag is 5000.00.... but boy if we had the funds for it... and we actually bought it I know where it would go in the yard but that is one of those things you think about and put out of your head because it is not going to happen... so going back to reality we picked up a couple of trays of Petunia and a tray of gazania and went out merry way... to visit and see what Jerry has been up to with the camp ground... Cedar Cove.. and there were many changes there... a short visit with Claudette since she was already up at the campgrounds...
As we headed up a drop in to say hi to both parents and home for relaxing and movies... the end to a perfect day... think we should do this more often... actually...
Well I think it is time for me to get some breakfast and get out and help Carl before we decide what else we are going to do ...
Have a great Sunday all... Joanne

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some actual Melanson News

There is actually Melanson news today... Dad was to the doctor's for his legs on Monday and all is good... he got cream and some anti-bi for it and roger is handling the cream part of it... thank you so very much... dad was also to the eye doctor last night for his 3 month shots... that also went okay until they went to Walmart to get his drops and it took over an hour to get them... same thing happened when I went for my medication yesterday morning... that is all I have to say we miss you Hal so very much....
Pat I am hoping that you are feeling better today.. because she has been down with a terrible cold all week and has not even been to work...
Besides that there is not a lot going on around here... Roger got their trailer set up last week ... have not been up there yet to see it but you know there will be photos to follow when we do get up there...
As for us we are still working on the yard... I am slower then Carl at what I am doing... I think I mentioned that the veggie garden has become 3 times the size it was suppose to be... but he is still working at it... nothing is planted yet but it is way too early for it to be as we have had frost warnings for the last three nights.. but come June it should all be in... as for my part of the year... well I am getting there when I am home... the last two days have been great for being outside but I have been out and about with mom and shopping for the house so maybe today I will get some time in the flower beds.... and get some work done... though yesterday I finally transplanted all the jumping jacks we picked up at Carl's parents place on Sunday... did some miracle growing as well... and putting the markers for all the hostas that we have out on the pathway... maybe next year I will find them easier then this year....

Of course our little feather friends are totally enjoying what is being put out for them...which means I get to take some wonderful photos of them...
Well off to start my day finally... hope everyone is having a wonderful Hump day... Joanne

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just another Sunday

Sunday and rainy not a lot going on with this woman... but did get a tray of jumping jack off Carl's parents lawn before it started to rain...their lawn was full of them.... so I know what I am going to be doing tomorrow morning if it is not raining out....

Mrs. Nutty.... at the feeders yesterday.....

As you notice this is a little Mrs. Nutty.... and boy is she eating ... non stop actually... after she emptied a few of the peanut trays I have hanging in the trees ....
She went to the bird bath that I put some seeds in instead of water....

she was close enough to have not problems getting closed ups of what she was actually eating...

Isn't she a cutie.. he he

Have a great one... and Yvette sorry got into a few movies tonight and only thought of calling you when I came upstairs for bed... which was midnight... don't think you would have appreciated that call LOL.... have a good trip sis... talk to you when you get back... Joanne

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Thrill For Saturday....

When I came back from town this morning I thought the wind was blowing and there were no little black buggers out to bite me to death... I was going to get some more of the lights up and decorations... well that lasted all of an hour and decided to fill up the feeders... which I totally enjoying though as I was filling Carl came around and found a red breasted gross beak that got hooked up in the net that was holding the clematis on the tree... there is no more netting on the tree and the clematis is cut way down from what it was when we put it there a few weeks ago....

I have taken many photos of birds that have landed on the feeders in our yard and enjoyed doing so over and over again but today I have a rare opportunity to take a few photos of this bird that I wait for to return every year because it is the one that I have to work the hardest to get good photos of ....

But today I decided to go out and sit to watch all the birds coming to the feeders just to relaxed and take some photos and of course Mrs. Nutty... she is always a fun to watch... but all of a sudden I noticed something out of the corner of my eye... and being in the blonde mode today said well that is way too small of a bird to be at the feeders and then realized that it wouldn't be coming to these feeders... I watched it and it went to the bleeding heart....and I got pictures of the hummer doing its thing at the flowers instead of the hummer feeder... ohh so very cool... awesome to me any way... but then I don't have much of a life... so this was very exciting he he....

Totally out standing ...

They are so beautiful...

I do have other photos but will post them later.... Have a great one... Joanne

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Great Day For Outdoors

From what I was told by Carl the day started at a wonderful 10C and by the time I got up this morning it dropped to 5... so there was no going out to get some gardening done until it warmed up...

So did some emails and games until it went back up to at least 10 right when a knock came on the door... and when I went and answered I found this fine looking young man at the door... from the City... oh oh what is up now... but it ended up to be all good news... they are finally going to clean up the dead water that has been gathering every summer in the ditch and removing our drive way and replacing it... ohhh yes... that should have been done some time ago but never did... and the little one that is by the lawn is going to disappear but the best news was no more dead water ... no one or less any way mosquitoes this summer... we hope any way...

After a short run to town and a pick of baby girl... we headed to the yard to get a few things done... baby girl sat in the hot house with her book and enjoyed the fresh air, sun and her book... she did help though a little which was okay... I am still into my music and doing my thing and not talking very much ... while working ... so I got some lights up.. .did some more digging weeds and then hit the roof when I went near the scrub bed to see all my black material showing... so I thicken up most of the bed leaving the rest of it uncovered until I get some more mulch to cover the rest thickly with hopes that it will make it look better...
with the wind and sun I actually ended a little wind burn so maybe I will look like I actually was out this summer...

Carl on the other hand increased the veggie garden by 3 times today... hope he doesn't think I am going to weed that sucker while he is away working LOL....

Hopefully I will get out tomorrow to do some more and actually get some of the lawn decorations out ...

Have a good one... Joanne

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quiet Weekend

You know you are getting old when you have the second glass of wine and within an hour or so you are in la la land...and get up the next morning looking for Advil for the headache it caused.... cheap drunk is what I am lol...

We had company last night ... something we don't take the time to do much any more but it is always nice to have even if it is your brother... lol.... it was a very simple meal... a wok of mussels.. garlic bread... a bag of salad and a little treat of lobster shrimp...and a night filled of talking and walks down memory lane from all aspects of our lives...we never left the dining room table until almost 10:30 when we got a call enquiring if he was coming home last night...very nice evening... for all of us... well I hope Roger enjoyed the evening because we did...

Now we are going to have to make a night like this when Flo comes back... she seems to miss out on it every time...

This weekend was a quiet weekend which is always nice.... didn't do all that much but seem to get home too late in the day to even think of going out in the garden.... there is no plans except the usual of visiting parents that I can see today...maybe a movie and a visit with baby girl and hubby this evening....

We did go to see the movie Angels and Demon on Saturday night... the book of course was better... but isn't that the case with most books made into movies...

Have a great Victoria Day ... Joanne

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Black Little Suckers...

I can't believe it ... I got up this morning with the sun shining and it already nice enough to get out and do some things..... but first I thought it would be nice to sit under the trees and watch the birds and Mr. Nutty while I was having my first tea of the was a short stay I tell you... I was attacked by those little black suckers... they are out already... could we have had the long weekend before they showed up... that sucks big time.... that is all I have to say today.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yesterday was a perfect day for garden work until the wind became too unbearable for this woman but that was before it we got lot done...

Last year the clematis became unruly on the side of the house... getting under the siding and everywhere it could possible go especially the golden ones... they are small but boy can they take over this year I was determined to have them moved... thinking the garage would be a great place to put them... the only thing was the box that we have there was not big enough for them... we are trying not to build any more beds this year.... and so far so good....but Carl came up with another idea which I think is going to work...

We planted all of them at the base of trees at the beginning of the path way... then yesterday out of branches we built little ladders for them to get to the trees... I can't wait for them to start flowering this year... think I will have a better view of the flowers for photos... which makes me happy....

The Golden Clematis is on a tree of its own on the other side of this one... and it is already starting to get green so I think it is going to work.... now I am waiting to see how far up the tree it will climb this year since it covered the laundry windown last year and was on its way up to the bedroom....

With my leg still bothering me Carl came to the rescue yesterday helping with the beds... he dug out more weeds then I thought one bed could hold but there were lots of them... helping with the cutting of last years flowers and cleaning up the beds... moving some of the plants to empty spots from last year... there is still more work in the beds but the majority of it is almost done... which is always nice to see....I am not feeling overwhelmed any more with it... I can go out and actually work in the gardens for a short time and will see some progress in them now that this has been done....
And after all the morning work with me Carl headed out to his garden to do some more tilling to get it ready for planting in the very near future.... mmmm fresh veggies... string beans one of my favorite fresh veggies.... ohhh ya....
Though it is nice out today there is no gardening going on around here for now anyway... getting up after 10 am doesn't make it a good start to any day... and I have a dentist appointment, dad's pills and a visit to Carl's parents... so by the time we get back we will have enough time for dinner and Carl is taking me out to a movie .... Angels and Demons.... something I have been looking forward to for some time now....
Hope tomorrow will be a nice day so we can get back to the land and get some more done...Bleeding hearts are in bloom well some of them any way... the one by the road that was hit by salt but the blower two winters ago is not doing all that great which is sad because it was the one that was doing the best.... the hostas are starting to show in the path way which is always nice to see... that area is always so wet in the spring always makes me wonder if they are ever going to come up... but they do....
Well off to the dentist.....Have a great one all... Joanne

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If You Are Going Green Do So...

Well I am happy to say that the top layer of the beds are finally done now I only have to more layers to get done and the flower beds will be ready to face the summer...

Carl worked all day getting the top soil from the garden and getting the second tilling in... maybe there will be fresh veggies at our place this fall which will be a nice change since there has not been any for a few years...

This morning there was a great debate on with myself if I was going out grocery shopping or staying home and working in the yard... the sun was shining and I was not as sore as I thought I was going to be this morning.. but the lack of fresh veggies and fruit in the house made me go out to do the shopping...

I went to my usual store which on Earth Day started to charge for plastic bags...all fine and good... as I walked into the store with my own green bags and went to the produce department I took a look around for the second time and wondered that same thing... ok if this is a green store why is there so many rolls of plastic bags so customers can put their one apple, two oranges, grapes that are already in a plastic wrap etc in these plastic bags... my thoughts a long time ago was why use these bags any way... it is not like you are going to go home and put all this in the fridge in the bags... okay that was one thing... the second was when they started to come out with green bags they were .99 and just before Earth Day they went up to 1.29 hmmm so who is getting to made a few more cents for themselves??? So after picking up what I needed I went to the check outs since it takes forever to get someone to change the scales on self scan when you are using the green bags... I put the bags which were mostly not from that store on the cash and I had to laugh the cashier when digging through my bag of bags to find their store bags... she asked if I wanted to buy more bags... of course me being me came back with no thank you... I went to the other stores and got these bags because they didn't up the price .30... what could she say.. it was true...I think the next time I go do groceries I will take in all the other bags from the other stores to put what I got in and see what happens... what can I say ... I am not a nice person... lol

Well there is still an hour or so of day light left so I think I am going to see if I can get another layer of bed done before I call it a night...

Have a wonderful all.... Joanne

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Mother's Day Review....

Monday morning and being up way too early for my liking since it was close to 3 am before this backside got to bed... I am going to blame it on the great company I had last night and the movies we watched.... a great way to end a wonderful day...

But Mother's Day started on Wednesday when we went down to celebrate Yvette's birthday... she not only had the lobster surprise for us but some other surprises for the woman of the family....

After the cake, and gifts Yvette showed up with a nice bag for mom and explained that she was going to be away on Mother's Day so she was giving her, her Mother's Day gift now...

And if any one knows mom ... she loves getting gifts....

Of course there had to be chocolate in the package... making sure that mom never runs out of the stuff.... he he

And a beautiful spring coat....

Little red riding hood she looks like...

And thank you to the givers....

But mom was not the only one that got gifts that day... Pat did as well...

Just a little something to mark the day....

ohhh it smells so good....

A spoon or tea bag holder.... very cute....

Ohhh yes something else... for me... how so very lucky....

Now this is a mug I like to have when I am trying to face the morning... everyone knows how much of a morning person I really am not..... LOL and by the way it holds more then a xl Tim's... I checked... LOL...

Mother's Day.... Itself

Our visit was quiet... sitting around chatting until I realized I didn't even take pictures...

so snapped a few of the women just sitting around relaxing....

While the men were in the kitchen hard at work...

making dinner for them... way to go men of the house he he

Then off to Carl's parents place to be greeted with these delicious looking pies...

Susan's work of art... as usual....

And the guest of honor.... I am sure they really didn't want to be.... he he

When I got to the house they had some nice little plates on the table but I took along the plates that would fit the occasion .... doesn't make a great looking table...

So what do you buy a woman that has everything... well... a nice size lobster to enjoy....

Table doesn't look all that bad after the plates are filled....

And boy did Oma enjoy herself....

It was not his day but Opa enjoyed it as well....

And when all was done.. the women once again sat relaxing as the men of the house cleaned up... and got things back to order.....

Oma was amazed to see Carl wiping dishes... she had never seen that before LOL... I did inform her that he has been doing it for a while around home....

And a few things that I was surprised with... Susan had these on the table for Oma and I... and informed me that when she comes to visit it better be alive and doing well... she doesn't know me very well does she???? I may be able to grow all those flowers outside but I really suck when they come in the house....

A replacement of a rabbit that was broken a year or so ago... I was told... actually it is cuter then the one I had before....
I hope that all the Mother's in my family had as wonderful a day as I did...
Have a wonderful Monday... Joanne