Wednesday, December 31, 2008

There is Never Too Much....

Okay I had a blog all thought up for today but this became so more of a must to do....

Anyone that knows mom knows her love of Chocolate and being as small as she is... why the heck not.... but this year it was out of this world just by the photo you know she had a great Christmas and afterwards....
The large Belgian Chocolate bar is from me... I was in at walmart this morning and they were on 1/2 price and I just couldn't resist getting one for mom...
And by the looks of this photos she will not be looking for chocolate for a while... and by the look on her face... she is loving it...

Wondering if she is going to share this hmmmmm..... LOL of course she usually does....

Enjoy Mom... JoJo

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Last Of The Christmas Photos

Well here is it the last of the photos for Christmas 2008

Click on Me...
Happy Holidays All

Monday, December 29, 2008

And The Family Tree Grows Once Again

On December 28th, 2008 at 7 pm my time 5 pm Winnipeg's time Craig Hills and Simone MacArthur exchanged marriage vows...
The sand ceremony
making them one unit...a family

I would like to introduce you to the newest members of our family
Joshua, Keira, Matthew, Craig and Simone
Congratulations Craig and Simone...
Wish I was there in person not just on the end of a cell phone...
Love Joanne and Carl...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Way Late with Everything

It is the 28th of December and I have been really slow with everything this year... but there are photos... and I will get them up in the next dy or so... I am sorry....

Actually this morning I packed the first of 5 containers of Christmas stuff ... after having everything up for over a month I am ready to take it all done... so this morning I started with the dishes only to be asked not to put them all in a few containers snce they are quite heavy so after 5 containers there is still enough to put in two more.... and with each one things continue to be taken down and packed away....

The only thing I have not touched yet is the tree but I will have to either try and move it or remove it because I have company coming on New Year's Day and need to get in the closet that is behind the tree... for my dishes...

Today is an important day in one of my son's lives... in 1.5 hours the phone will ring and it will be Craig and leaving his phone on Carl and I will be listening to him and Simone take wedding vows to each other.... Unbelievable or not one of my babies is getting married today... and as soon as those pictures come in they will be posted as well....


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pre Christmas Eve Day

Sitting here at 4:30 in the morning wondering if I am actually going to start doing something or go back to be.... so I decided to come on here have a cup of tea and then decide what I am going to do.... but I know what my first job is going to be this morning... and that is picking up the wrapping paper and ribbon that is over flowing the container I had for these supplies and for some reason has out grown the container... and why is that well I am terrible when it comes to this time of the year... I probably have enough wrap for the next 5 years .... yet the next time I go out and see some pretty Christmas wrap 10 to 1 it will be in my container waiting for next year to be picked to making my gifts beautiful... ribbon is a totally different story all together... I have enough not only to choke a cow but I am sure 10 of those suckers... and it is not only this time of the year I pick up ribbon up but through the year... if I see something I like home it comes with me... if I don't use it to wrap something there is always scrap booking or some of my craft projects I use it for... I am just thankful this is not puppies or cats... this house would be bushing with them...

Yesterday we decided to change our minds on a few things that we had bought for Carl's parents... or should I say Carl changed his mind on his father's gift... they like my parents ( or any parent because I am hearing it from my children as well) are very hard to buy for... I thought everything was settled when he was away and we decided to get gift cards for his parents... but he came home and last week as you all know he worked on his snow blower...(as you can see I said his not ours... I have nothing to do with that thing) any way we took a trip or two up to Big River Sports to get a parts and while we were there he spotted a powered shovel... it threw the snow 20 feet...and thought it would be nice to give to his father.... so this morning that is what we went and picked up... then I got into the act .... well I didn't think it was right to give his father a gift and his mother a gift card... (yes I am weird) so off to Charm's to look for something for his mother... (I also spotted a little teddy bear as well and you know who came home with an early Christmas gift) so now we have 4 gift cards... waiting for me to take a fit to go shopping because they have been bought and paid for... I also dropped into Holiday Collection for a few more little gifts... those are the ones I like the best... actually I have always tried to find a little something for my two sister in laws just to say I may not be around all that much but you are always in my thoughts kind of gift...

So I think I am safe to say the wrapping is done... and yes I wrapped the power shovel as well... and end up with another roll of extra wrapping paper... lol ... so that is getting put away... the tables have been placed in the dining room waiting for my time to set them up which will probably be tonight before going to bed.... I am a little excited to try my hand with this gluten free baking I have to do today... just hoping it will work out... and of course the usually picking up, straighting out and hiding all the stuff you don't want your company to see.. he he ... and I have checked the batteries for the camera to make sure I get tons of photos in the next few days so I can bore the heck out of all of

Hope you have a good day... don't work too hard...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Mother Nature Puts The Wrench Into The Plans...

Four days to the big day... the plans were set and everything was going to be ready... Monday morning out and get the fresh fruit and veggies for Christmas Dinner...and make sure there is something for everyone that is coming for Dinner.... Monday afternoon finish up the wrapping of what ever gifts that are still hanging around the house ....Iron table clothes for the two tables... make sure I have everything I need for setting the tables... Tuesday get the laundry and the touch up cleaning done...take kitchen table into Dining room... take table from upstairs to put in the kitchen so we have somewhere to eat... Wednesday make carrot cake, take out shrimp rings that are needed for that night.... get all the veggies out... not to worry about turkey Robin is taking that out that morning for me .... make sure all the candle holders have candles in them... since I really don't like the battery operated ones.... go through the list that hangs on the fridge to make sure that everything is up to par....Thursday morning make stuffing, set the tables... by noon have the turkey in the oven cooking slowly so when everyone shows up the smell has filled the house... But as of this morning Mother Nature has decided that my plans are going to be set back just a little bit with all the wonderful white stuff that is flying around out little town... so there is no shopping today well for the next little while.. maybe it will slow down and Carl being the brave man he is as I am a chicken behind the wheel when it comes to snow will take me out and get back on schedule... he he...
So I guess it is down stairs to watch the Christmas Carol while I continue to knit some things for my future new family... hoping that the electricity will continue to stay on for the rest of the day....
Have a good snowy Monday

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Last Few Days

Sunday looks like the sun is coming up but it is -26C out and it is calling for a blizzard sometime today... hmmmm thinking perfect day to do very little especially outside...though yesterday Carl and I were out putting up the last of the Christmas lights on the oak tree ....and he worked on the snow blower again... not being successful at getting it to work once again.... guess we will need the plow in again after this storm at least this time he will be here to move the cars for it.... an emergency call came in from his sister Susan in the afternoon her tree was tilted and needed help... after it was fixed we ended up going out for dinner with her... it is not often that we take the time to spend time with our brothers and sisters in this manner but it is always nice when we do...

Flo is heading off to see Patsy Ann's family this morning on the train hope you have a good trip and double hoping that Troy can pick her up at the station at the end of the day.... Roger will be heading that way on Tuesday...

The last couple days before Christmas and the last things that need to be done are starting to come to the end... I think... I still have wrapping to do which I seem to keep putting off... maybe it is because they are big boxes and I was never a fan of wrapping them... so with the snow coming today maybe that is what I will do and then have them all ready for Christmas day....

Well off to get my day started in some way or another ...
Have a good one all


Friday, December 19, 2008

Ohh The Mind is Racing This Morning... Too Much On it...

Friday already and in another week Christmas will be over... we will all be sitting around wondering why we eat all that food and thinking that it is time to start going to the gym to get some of the weight off... he he...

Up very early this morning because Carl was asked by Greg to take him to the airport as he is heading off to Calgary for the Christmas holiday to spend it with Mitch, Megs, Jake, Lisa and Jonah... of course the fact that I was asleep before 9 pm last night had something to do with it as well... he he

The decorations in the house has been completed... but Carl who has been working on getting some things that stopped working while he was away fixed has put up Christmas lights outside but want to put more and if he runs out of time to put them up that is okay we have quite a few up already... but the snow blower is now working.. the sub pump is fixed or I should say the hole to the pump has been replaced and is working nicely... lights that were burnt out and I couldn't get out or reach are not shining to light up our world... and Christmas lights that I couldn't get up are now lighting up our front of the yard and because it is only the front part of the yard Carl wants to add more to the back to light that part of the yard up as well... and I thought that was going to be done yesterday but he started to play with his snow blower instead and by dinner time last night it was finally finished... so I guess today will be the day that we do it after we do our things in the morning... Like Carl is going to his parents to try and get the ice out of their drive way and I will be going up to my parents while dad goes to the hospital for an appointment... mom and I are going to make all of Flo and Roger's gifts that are under the tree shine with ribbon.... ohh I love ribbon on packages...

We had an unexpected visitor yesterday afternoon... Brian Melanson dropped in still torn up about staying at home with Jill for Christmas or come here...but I got that dilemma solved by inviting him for New Years here... and as the time continued to creep by he was invited to stay for dinner last night as well... We both enjoy his company and knowing that he spent a lot of his time alone... I am sure he enjoys ours most times LOL....

This week it has been mainly getting together with Robin either on line or on the phone to get things I need to know for Christmas Dinner ...and getting a very important recipe for dessert.... so I can make sure that I can get the stuff for it here... also I am down to one gift I think... someone is always popping up... that I have forgotten... so that is not bad... especially since I do know what I want to get the person...

Each year that I do Christmas Dinner here at the house I look forward and appreciate all the help that I get from other family members that take in all the extra goodies to be added to the meal but this year it is a little different... as much as I would like to have these things it is not happening this year.... because I am making Christmas Dinner here at the house .... now some people are going to wonder why this is... well here it is...

We are having a gluten free Christmas dinner... why are we having that ... well Robin is coming home for Christmas this year and it is not often that he does and he has Celiac which means simply no flour or wheat produces can he eat or he will be very sick... and I don't want that.... so for the last month I have been writing and talking to him about products that he can or can't have so that I could make a meal that he can sit down with the family and enjoy without any fear of becoming sick over it... and a spoon, knife or fork being placed back from one dish that is not gluten free can make him sick so the whole meal will be gluten free so that there is no chance it can happen....

The Menu for the day is
Shrimp ring....Turkey of course (provide by Robin and Amanda), with stuffing made with gluten free bread (provide by Robin and Amanda and I have to say if I had a bread maker I think I would be having this bread over ours more often... it is great bread... ) potatoes, carrots and string beans (provided by Hubert and Yvette) Broccoli with cheese... (was planning on taking out the Broccoli bake this year any way because of all the salt products that are added to the dish for the sake of Dad and Carl since both are on salt free diets) gravy ....Cole slaw and cranberry homemade (which reminds me I have to go out and get some cranberries before they all disappear in the stores)... pretty much the same just made a little different....

Desserts will be carrot cake (recipe provide by Robin and Amanda) I am hoping I make it as good as Amanda does.... cherry tarts, scotch cakes, lemon squares and anything else I can get from the lady who lives down shore that actually makes gluten free produces... and when I go get this stuff I will hug her in thanks of helping out with our Christmas dinner....

When we go down to Robin and Amanda's we eat very well but we eat gluten free ....

On New Years Day I know that some who are going to be here for Christmas will not be here but to those that are going to be here I will tell you now I want the extras LOL..... because the house will be filled once again and that 34 pound bird that is sitting in Mom and Dad's freeze will be out and in the oven cooking waiting for everyone to have a piece or two or three of it...

Oh yes a message to remember I said I was going to divide the ring into three sharing it with others well it just didn't happen the way I thought it was going to LOL.....after Carl and Brian got into it there was not enough to divide anything... Brian loved it as well I think the two of them had three pieces each before I cut them off... because if not the whole thing would have been gone... thanks for the ring... came at a good time with the unexpected company last night...

So that is what is going on around here... I still have a few gifts that have to be wrapped...but that is not a major thing at all... I think I can actually say after 2 months trying to get ready for Christmas I am almost there and looking forward to the Day to come to have the house filled with family and friends... if no one gave me a gift for Christmas (which I have been saying for years) it wouldn't matter because this is the gift that I have always enjoyed and treasured for many years) a house full of the people I love and care for dearly.. all the decorating, all the preparing is worth it when you guys are here to celebrate this day with Carl and I....and those who are not able to come you are in my heart hoping that one year you will be sitting around the tables enjoying the family as much as I do.... so in advance I will say thank you so very much for giving me the greatest Christmas gift of all... You....

Have a wonderful and awesome Friday guys...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just The Little Things

Everyone has their favorite Christmas Story... My niece Lisette "This may sound a little lame, but I can now get into the holiday spirit now that I've watched 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
For many years the local radio station would have 15 or 30 minutes of different Christmas themes through out the night ... there was only one I would listen to while I was getting ready and on the way to Church... the Littlest Angel became my favorite Christmas Story... when the radio station stopped playing it I went out and got the book .... and every Christmas eve Harold would read it to all of us before the boys went to bed along with the Night Before Christmas... the book is still around packed in a box in storage with the cover missing but not wanting to lose it because one day I will pass it on .... and every year even though there is no little ones around I sit and read my favorite Christmas story...
So what you is your Favorite Christmas Story?

Once upon a time...
Oh, many, many years ago as time is calculated by men--but which was only Yesterday in the Celestial Calendar of Heaven--there was, in Paradise, a most miserable, thoroughly unhappy, and utterly dejected cherub who was known throughout Heaven as The Littlest Angel. He was exactly four years, six months, five days, seven hours and forty-two minutes of age when he presented himself to the venerable Gate-Keeper and waited for admittance to the Glorious Kingdom of God. Standing defiantly, with his short brown legs wide apart, the Littlest Angel tried to pretend that he wasn't at all impressed by such Unearthly Splendour,and that he wasn't at all afraid. But his lower lip trembled, and a tear disgraced him by making a new furrow down his already tear-streaked face--coming to a precipitous halt at the very tip end of his small freckled nose.
But that wasn't all. While the kindly Gate-Keeper was entering the name in his great Book, the Littlest Angel, having left home as usual without a handkerchief, endeavoured to hide the tell-tale evidence by sniffing.' A most unangelic sound which so unnerved the good Gate-Keeper that he did something he had never done before in all Eternity. He blotted the page!
From that moment on, the Heavenly Peace was never quite the same, and the Littlest Angel soon became the despair of all the Heavenly Host. His shrill, ear-splitting whistle resounded at all hours through the Golden Streets. It startled the Patriarch Prophets and disturbed their meditations. Yes, and on top of that, he inevitably and vociferously sang off-key at the singing practice of the Heavenly Choir, spoiling its ethereal effect. And, being so small that it seemed to take him just twice as long as anyone else to get to nightly prayers, the Littlest Angel always arrived late, and always knocked everyone's wings askew as he darted into his place. Although these flaws in behaviour might have been overlooked, the general appearance of the Littlest Angel was even more disreputable than his deportment. It was first whispered among the Seraphim and Cherubim, and then said aloud among the Angels and Archangels, that he didn't even look like an angel!
And they were all quite correct. He didn't. His halo was permanently tarnished where he held onto it with one hot little chubby hand when he ran, and he was always running. Furthermore, even when he stood very still, it never behaved like a halo should. It was always slipping down over his right eye. Yes, and it must be here recorded that his wings were neither useful nor ornamental. All Paradise held its breath when the Littlest Angel perched himself like an unhappy fledgling sparrow on the very edge of a gilded cloud and prepared to take off. He would teeter this way--and that way--but, after much coaxing and a few false starts, he would shut both of his eyes, hold his freckled nose, count up to three hundred and three, and then hurl himself s 1 o w 1 y into space! However, owing to the regrettable fact that he always forgot to move his wings, the Littlest Angel always fell head over halo! It was also reported and never denied, that whenever he was nervous, which was most of the time, he bit his wing-tips!
Now, anyone can easily understand why the Littlest Angel would, soon or late, have to be disciplined. And so, on an Eternal Day of an Eternal Month in the Year Eternal, he was directed to present his small self before an Angel of the Peace. The Littlest Angel combed his hair, dusted his wings and scrambled into an almost clean robe, and then, with a heavy heart, trudged his way to the place of judgment. He tried to postpone the dreaded ordeal by loitering along the Street of The Guardian Angels, pausing a few timeless moments to minutely pursue the long list of new arrivals, although all Heaven knew he couldn't read a word. And he idled more than several immortal moments to carefully examine a display of aureate harps, although everyone in the Celestial City knew he couldn't tell a crotchet from a semiquaver. But at length and at last he slowly approached a doorway which was surmounted by a pair of golden scales, signifying that Heavenly Justice was dispensed within. To the Littlest Angel's great surprise, he heard a merry voice, singing! The Littlest Angel removed his halo and breathed upon it heavily, then polished it upon his robe, a procedure which added nothing to that garment's already untidy appearance, and then t i p - t o e d in! The Singer, who was known as the Understanding Angel, looked down at the small culprit, and the Littlest Angel instantly tried to make himself invisible by the ingenious process of withdrawing his head into the collar of his robe, very much like a snapping turtle. At that, the Singer laughed, a jolly, heartwarming sound, and said, "Oh! So you're the one who's been making Heaven so un' heavenly! Come here, Cherub, and tell me all about it!" The Littlest Angel ventured a furtive look from beneath his robe. First one eye. And then the other eye.
Suddenly, almost before he knew it, he was perched on the lap of the Understanding Angel, and was explaining how very difficult it was for a boy who suddenly finds himself transformed into an angel. Yes, and no matter what the Archangels said, he'd only swung once. Well, twice. Oh, all right, then, he'd swung three times on the Golden Gates. But that was just for something to do! That was the whole trouble. There wasn't anything for a small angel to do. And he was very homesick. Oh, not that Paradise wasn't beautiful! But the Earth was beautiful, too! Wasn't it created by God, Himself? Why, there were trees to climb, and brooks to fish, and caves to play at pirate chief, the swimming hole, and sun, and rain, and dark, and dawn, and thick brown dust, so soft and warm beneath your feet! The Understanding Angel smiled, and in his eyes was a long forgotten memory of another small boy in a long ago. Then he asked the Littlest Angel what would make him most happy in Paradise. The Cherub thought for a moment, and whispered in his ear.
And then, in all those timeless days that followed, everyone wondered at the great change in the Littlest Angel, for, among all the cherubs in God's Kingdom, he was the most happy. His conduct was above the slightest reproach. His appearance was all that the most fastidious could wish for. And on excursions to Elysian Fields, it could be said, and truly said, that he flew like an angel! Then it came to pass that Jesus, the Son of God, was to be born of Mary, of Bethlehem, of Judea. And as the glorious tidings spread through Paradise, all the angels rejoiced and their voices were lifted to herald the Miracle of Miracles, the coming of the Christ Child. The Angels and Archangels, the Seraphim and Cherubim, the Gate-Keeper, the Wingmaker, yes, and even the Halosmith put aside their usual tasks to prepare their gifts for the Blessed Infant. All but the Littlest Angel. He sat himself down on the top-most step of the Golden Stairs and anxiously waited for inspiration.
What could he give that would be most acceptable to the Son of God? At one time', he dreamed of composing a lyric hymn of adoration. But the Littlest Angel was woefully wanting in musical talent. Then he grew tremendously excited over writing a prayer! A prayer that would live forever in the hearts of men, because it would be the first prayer ever to be heard by the Christ Child. But the Littlest Angel was lamentably lacking in literary skill. "What, oh what, could a small angel give that would please the Holy Infant?" The time of the Miracle was very close at hand when the Littlest Angel at last decided on his gift. Then, on that Day of Days, he proudly brought it from its hiding place behind a cloud, and humbly, with downcast eyes, placed it before the Throne of God. It was only a small, rough, unsightly box, but inside were all those wonderful things that even a Child of God would treasure! A small, rough, unsightly box, lying among all those other glorious gifts from all the Angels of Paradise! Gifts of such rare and radiant splendour and breathless beauty that Heaven and all the Universe were lighted by the mere reflection of their glory! And when the Littlest Angel saw this, he suddenly knew that his gift to God's Child was irreverent, and he devoutly wished he might reclaim his shabby gift. It was ugly. It was worthless. If only he could hide it away from the sight of God before it was even noticed!
But it was too late! The Hand of God moved slowly over all that bright array of shining gifts, then paused, then dropped, then came to rest on the lowly gift of the Littlest Angel! The Littlest Angel trembled as the box was opened, and there, before the Eyes of God and all His Heavenly Host, was what he offered to the Christ Child. And what was his gift to the Blessed Infant? Well, there was a butterfly with golden wings, captured one bright summer day on the high hills above Jerusalem, and a sky-blue egg from a bird's nest in the olive tree that stood to shade his mother's kitchen door. Yes, and two white stones, found on a muddy river bank, where he and his friends had played like small brown beavers, and, at the bottom of the box, a limp, tooth-marked leather strap, once worn as a collar by his mongrel dog, who had died as he had lived, in absolute love and infinite devotion. The Littlest Angel wept hot, bitter tears, for now he knew that instead of honouring the Son of God, he had been most blasphemous. Why had he ever thought the box was so wonderful? Why had he dreamed that such utterly useless things would be loved by the Blessed Infant? In frantic terror, he turned to run and hide from the Divine Wrath of the Heavenly Father, but he stumbled and fell, and with a horrified wail and clatter of halo, rolled in a ball of consummate misery to the very foot of the Heavenly Throne!
There was an ominous and dreadful silence in the Celesti'al City, a silence complete and undisturbed save for the heart-broken sobbing of the Littlest Angel. Then, suddenly, The Voice of God, like Divine Music, rose and swelled through Paradise! And the Voice of God spoke, saying, "Of all the gifts of all the angels, I find that this small box pleases Me most. Its contents are of the Earth and of men, and My Son is born to be King of both. These are the things My Son, too, will know and love and cherish and then, regretful, will leave behind Him when His task is done. I accept this gift in the Name of the Child, Jesus, born of Mary this night in Bethlehem." There was a breathless pause, and then the rough, unsightly box of the Littlest Angel began to glow with a bright, unearthly light, then the light became a lustrous flame, and the flame became a radiant brilliance that blinded the eyes of all the angels!
None but the Littlest Angel saw it rise from its place before the Throne of God. And he, and only he, watched it arch the firmament to stand and shed its clear, white, beckoning light over a Stable where a Child was Born. There it shone on that Night of Miracles, and its light was reflected down the centuries deep in the heart of all mankind. Yet, earthly eyes, blinded, too, by its splendour, could never know that the lowly gift of the littlest Angel was what all men would call forever

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday Wasn't All That Bad

Monday morning we got up in a debate... if we were going to Moncton or not... because of the weather... I even sat down and wrote to Robin to tell him that we were not going... but by 10:30 we decided that it was going to be a day trip and that was it... we would go shopping only come home after dark... so we could stop in to see all the lights along the way... I am not really sure where it is but there is a place along the way where a guy has lights over lights up and people come to see them ... the only thing was they were not on last night so we didn't get to see them ....not a happy woman on that part... but I have to say the trip was great....
It was strange to see that one side of the road looked like this almost all the way down to Moncton
while the other side was bare like it was never touched by the freezing rain... and yes I took this from a moving car... you don't think for one second that Carl who was driving would actually stop four times

so I could take photos of this wonderful work of Mother Nature... but with the motion option on the camera I got them on the fly...

While I was at Costco I picked up this rug for the kitchen which Maggie loves and moved it into the corner and makes herself very comfort on it... I also picked up some handmade candy canes for the packages I am wrapping... of course we had to pick up our puppies treats while we were there.... and a few groceries as well... ohhh yes almost forgot mom's box of treats as well... she is a lover of chocolate but I do have to say she is a better woman then I am because there is no way I would share them as she does.... lol We also stopped at Princess Auto for Carl and a short trip into Pets Unlimited for a few things for the puppies as well... they are sporting each a new collar today ...

But I think the greatest find of the day was on the way back home at a place called Mr. Tomato... where there is a gift shop and I have to say what I spent there was nothing compare to what I could have spent if I didn't hold myself back... I am an impulsive buyer... and some time ago I made the rule if I look at something I like that I would get out of the place and come back the next day or a few days later... if it was still there and I still wanted the item then I would buy it.... and yes I have lost a few things in time because of the rule but last night was the exception ... there was no going back tomorrow thing... I bought it and could have bought a heck of a lot more... but I had a little control last night.. and I really mean a little....

So today this sled hangs on my porch wall... replacing a frame that fell and broke... yesterday morning actually... hmmm that had to be a hint... I needed something new there....

This one is going to another home... Richard and Tete will have to find a place for it...

This is a decoration that was made by a lady in Roger's Ville... actually I think the one above it was made by her as well.... that is hanging on the wall in the siting room with all the Christmas past photos.. and looks good there too...
And each time I go away I always take something home to mom... and this is what I got for her with a little chocolate of course to hang on her tree... there were so many more of them and I could have bought one of each of them not really knowing where I was going to put them but I didn't... but then there is always next year...
This is a picture frame which I am going to put a photo of Carl and I in it... it says A friend understand your past, believes in your future and loves you just the way you are... I could not pass this one up...
But the one that I secondly spotted and couldn't walk out of the store was the next one...the first thing I seen when I walked in was this carved Santa Claus and that is when the impulse of buy came into play... I was getting this and that was it... the only thing when I looked at the price there was none on it instead the word "sold" was marked...
And just behind the Santa to the right of it was this.....
A Tricycle for my garden next year... and there was no way I was walking out of it... I actually didn't think it would fit in the jeep and called Yvette to see if they would pick it up for me ... but Carl did it.. my hero once again... got it in the car and after paying for everything which was 16 cents shorter then what we put out at Costco we headed home... happy as a lark...
So that was my trip down to Moncton... I do have to say sorry to Robin for not stopping in but Amanda was coming off of Night Shift and you were at work even by the time we were heading out .. the next time I promise we will stop..
Well that was the excitement of my day yesterday.... it actually got me in the mood to start wrapping gifts and any one that knows me that takes forever to do with all the ribbon and stuff that I put on it...
Which reminds me I still have most of them to do so off I go.....

An Early Happy Birthday

Sunday we decided since Tommy was around now we would celebrate his birthday which is actually on December 24.... and will be turning 48... he is no baby any more... he he ... So here are some of the photos that were taken...

The birthday boy

As we gather round the table

Father and Birthday Boy
Happy Birthday to you ....
My Birthday ... awww you shouldn't have

Greg late as usual... but happy he showed up

Mine, Mine Mine... and I am not sharing....

Well of course I am mommy told me so.....

They love me ...

And he can read too... he he

Gotta to love me ... I'm the baby

Ohhhh all for me...

Kind of a cute couple them make don't you think????
Happy Birthday Tommy and many more ... going to say it now because I know I am going to miss it on the 24th.... I usually think about it about midnight ....
Love Joanne

Friday, December 12, 2008

Finally Photos I Promised....

Mom and Pat's Night Out

I am so beautiful.....
and she is

They look like they are ready to go... until

Mom decides to try on the hat
I bought her like two years ago...
Does it look ok...
Got to love these pictures... with mom and dad...

And of course Mom says dad if he is going to
be okay without her.... the little worry wart she is

Finally time to go... all smiles and ready for their
Added Note... as you see in the background there are some decoration up actually they were only starting... and they were all finished up on the last snow day....
Also a thank you once again to Flo for the photos... Joanne