Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Leg is not as Sore as My Butt

The day started getting up way later then I wanted to since we were heading down to Moncton to pick up Matthew.... and also realizing that I fell asleep before I got to talk to Joshua for his birthday.... but by 11 we were finally on the road with Tim's to get our eyes open and alert...
It was a very short stay at Robin's as the weather was terrible... and I wanted to get home before dark.... but as we got closer to Bathurst the sun started to shine so we decided to stop in to Yvette and Hubert and left there with a few extra surprises in tote... thanks again Yvette... keep them coming... love surprises like that....
Home finally after 6 pm and 6 hours on the road.... I am not sure if my leg is as sore as my butt.... and the sun was just starting to roll up the carpet for the night as we exited the highway... that is called great timing....after a few calls to say Hi we are back... dinner and once again working away at photos since I didn't get any done today.... but I know that soon I will be crawling into bed to have a great night sleep since I have been sitting here at the desk in my nice comfortable chair yawning my head off... how can sitting in the car all day knitting... yes I knit when I am on the passenger side of the car... make you so tired...
There is no news from the home front as I have not been up to the house in 2 days... I am such a terrible daughter... tomorrow we will go visit... both parents...
Well that is it for my boring life and day... have a good night all... Joanne

Friday, February 27, 2009

Better Mood...and You know Why ?????

Later in the day... just think I don't blog for ages and you get two on the same day lol.... I am finally home after 6 bloody hours... can you imagine 4 test and it took that long... that is really good scheduling on their part don't you thing...

Some good came out of it because after the ecg and blood test we were off to pick up a very early birthday gift for me... my new computer chair... which I am sitting in at the moment and totally enjoying it... thanks for my Christmas gift from Yvette and Hubert... a counting piggy bank which I dropped all change in it except pennies and nickels ... they went into mom's .... and then my sweet came home and put it together for me...

We also got the other pictures that we had been waiting for... there was a lot of work to be done on them before they printed them but they turned out pretty good for very old slides that were really not kept properly...

This one was the one I wanted to see the most ... it is at least 44 years old... it is Carl's little sister Susan... when I seen the slide it was the first time I noticed how blue her eyes were and had to get it done...

I found this picture with the other photos and it was the old brownish colored photo and when I seen the slide of it I had to get it printed... this is Carl's mom in 1955 which makes the print 54 years old....

And of course there were some on my man when he was a little man and they didn't not get passed up at all... the bottom one is of him and his cousin Paula Marie...

I have to add a great big thank you to Rene at Golden Imagine for the work she did on these and the other photos we got done this week... for what she had to work with she did a great job... and we are very pleased with them.... with still time left before going back for an xray and the breast crushing we dropped in to see Carl's parents to show them the photos ... now I am under pressure to get the photos completed on the computer... so he can see them all... so I guess with a new chair and a little rest I will have to get my buns into gear and get them done for him ...well soon any way....
Have a great weekend all Joanne

February 27, Not My Good Day

Friday and of course it is good old garbage day and I do believe any Friday that I write I tell you this... I have been up for 3 hours now because I am stressed out over stupid test which I really don't want to go for but have to... so I start all this wrong by having my dinner last night (not at the dining room table where my meds are) and not taking my medication afterwards so my blood readings are off the chart this morning but that can be because I am stressed over the darn thing...

Why do I hate these test? Well lets see I hate needles for one thing... I hate exposing my breast to people I don't even know their name... and I will be doing that for three different people this morning... and they are crushing them this afternoon....lucky test start at 7:30 this morning and I will be lucky to be out of there by 1 ....I know I don't have a lot to do in my life but my time is my time and spending it at this hospital is not my idea of having a good time.... my doctor is out of the office for God only knows because of the accident he had.... there is no talk about having a replacement for him at the moment so even if there is something wrong with me who the heck is going to tell me about it... the secretary... like she is qualified to do that one...

I know I have not written in a while and this is all a whine but that is the mood I am in this morning.... I hate going to the hospital at this time of the year because there is a bigger chance of me coming out with the flu then walking in the malls... ok I am done the whining part of my day ...

As for what is going on in the family... Matthew is going to be home this weekend... no comment on that one... Mom was out for her hearing test this week and ended up not getting it because there was a wax build up in one of her ears so she will be retuning after March 11, after she gets them cleaned... actually Carl's father had a hearing test also that day and came home without the test for the same reason... I guess it was the day for dirty ears...

Dad is down with a cold but we nipped that one in the butt really fast because this is the time of the year that he will get sick and land in the hospital because of his lungs but the doctor gave him extra medication the last time he was like this so we can get him started right away... I was up to see him yesterday and the lungs are still make a little noise but nothing compared to past years... think we got it... but he has to go see the doctor for some renewals so I am sure she will check that out as well...

Pat is back after several weeks of travelling to Montreal and Toronto on business.. have not seen much of her, have not been up to mom's when she is there...

Ohhh I almost forgot.. Craig's oldest Joshua's birthday today Happy Birthday Hon... turning a teenager today... wow they grow so fast LOL....

Well that is about it I think...have a good weekend all.... Joanne

Monday, February 16, 2009

Photos as Promised

New Fashion for Our Puppies...

Snowball Boots

It took a good 1/2 hour before they melted from their fur...
but they had a great time outside...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just An Ordinary Sunday

Sunday afternoon.... we have been out shopping for a few needed things in the house already... went over to say welcome home to Flo... who came in unknown to anyone else but Roger last night... visited with mom and dad and came back to have a late lunch and Carl headed down to watch the movie Passchendaele which I really don't have to go down to see what it is like... I just had to open my bedroom door to hear most of the movie as it plays out...
He watched Miracle at St. Anna last night and I got to see a part of it... was not my kind of movie at all... there are war movies and then there are war movies.... since I have not taken the time to go down and actually listen to Passchendaele I can't compare the two of them... I just know that last night I got a little fed up with all the F this and F that... that went on in the movie... (added note to this since Carl just came in... we Canadians were as polite as we usually are without all the F this and F that in the movie he he)
Dad wants to see Passchendaele which I am going to take up to the house tomorrow and maybe he will see it with Roger.... it is a little funny when I mentioned that I also had Miracle at St. Anna and he came right back saying that is an American story ... Passchendaele is Canadian that is what I want to see...
While I was at the house we got a call from Patsy say a late Happy Valentine's Day.... mom must be missing her a lot because she actually wanted to talk to her on the phone which is not some she does very often.... and of course dad got to talk to her for a while... Patsy will be returning home on the 23rd of this month ... this weekend is a long weekend in Ontario so she took the time to go out and visit her friend and family for the weekend... spending it at their camp... the weather has been perfect for them to do it...
As for me a little more work on the photos for Carl's parents... the count is now up to 6500 and there is more to go... several albums were taken apart so I have been spending some time getting new ones and getting them back into order....I know one thing I would not want to do this for a stranger because there is no way I could even think of the cost of doing it... it has been several weeks and many hours I have spent of this... I usually joke around when people ask me to do something saying that you couldn't afford me ... with this one I am very honest you couldn't.... too much time is put into it... so this is done out of love for Carl and his parents... I just home they are happy with the work that I have put into it....
This morning the weather was just to nice not to put the puppies out for a while to play... something they don't get to do to often with the cold weather we have been having .... well by the time they got back into the house... they were wearing a new fashion called snow ball boots.... I will post the posts tomorrow since I left the camera downstairs and just too lazy to get it at the moment...
The hip is coming back... slowly but surely... hoping that it will not be all that much longer.... love to start working out at the gym and see if I could drop a few more weight...
Have a good one.. Joanne

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Small but Important Occasion

Happy Valentine's Day to all....

A day to express the love we have for each other... and like Danie I also feel that it should be every day...and not all that important to celebrate on this one day of the year... but yesterday for the first time since Carl and I have been together he walked through the door with the cutest flower arrangement being held by a teddy bear... which he also knows I love... and a Hallmark card expressing his love for me which brought tears to my eyes.....and when I teased him about the Hallmark card he came back with you know you are worth more then a dollar store card...

Carl went out to do some running for us when he spotted the flowers and as he waiting to be waited on many that he knew doing the same thing... one guy told him that he knew he was going to get himself into trouble doing this because it was the first time in 27 years of marriage that he actually have bought flowers for his wife... like me I hope his wife was pleasantly surprised from his thoughtfulness...Carl told the guy if his wife questions him about the flowers tell her that he watched the movie Fireproof....

A few weeks ago Carl came home with a few movies for us and one of them was Fireproof.... like usual he doesn't read up on the movie and thought it had to do with firemen... but what it turned out to be about was a fireman that was losing his marriage and how with the help of his father and his faith turned it around... and a simple rule of his work.... you don't leave your partner is a movie without sex, violence, bad language or any of the other things that are in movies is a movie that I will pick up to add to my library and watch once again...a few times...

This year was different one for me....though I did this several weeks ago.... with Craig getting married and having a ready made family meant that each occasion can't really be passed up any more... valentine day card kits were sent up so they can make them up for special friends. Of course chocolate and candy hearts for the children saying Happy Valentine's Day to each other them... I have to say having little ones in the family makes it a must once again to keep track of the little occasions other then Christmas, Easter and birthdays...

Once again to all of my family and friends I wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day...

Friday, February 13, 2009

9 Layers of Me: Layer 6

A meme to peel away the layers of me.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Smoked: Yes
-- Done a drug: I wish
-- Made Out: I am on the injured list ask me next month
-- Gone on a date: No
-- Gone to the mall?: Yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No
-- Eaten sushi: No
-- Been on stage: No
-- Been dumped: No
-- Gone skating: No
-- Made homemade cookies: No
-- Gone skinny dipping: No this time of the year are you crazy ...
-- Dyed your hair: No
-- Stolen Anything: No

Now you...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Canadian Confidence Cannot Be Shaken!

Hope you don't all think I am actually going to talk serious in this place LOL...

You know you don't have a lot to say when you start pasting things into your blog
Louie sent me this the other day and thought it would be cute to pass on ....

Have a bright and cheerful Tuesday everyone... Joanne

Newfoundland declares war on the U.S.A.

President Obama was in the Oval Office wondering which country to invade next, when his telephone rang.

"Hallo, President Obama " a heavily accented voice said. "This is Archie, up ere at the Harp Seal Pub in Badger's Cove , Newfoundland , Canada , he? I am cal lin' to tells ya dat we are officially declaring war on ya!"

"Well Archie," Obama replied, "This is indeed important news ! How big is your army ?"

"Right now," said Archie, after a moments calculation "there is myself, me cousin Harold , me next-door-neighbor Mick, and the whole dart team from the pub. That makes eight!"

Obama paused. "I must tell you Archie that I have one million men in my army waiting to move on my command."

"Holy Jeez," said Archie. "I'll have at call ya back!"Sure enough, the next day, Archie called again. " Mr. Obama , the war is still on! We have managed to acquire some infantry equipment!"

"And what equipment would that be Archie?" Obama asked.

"Well sir, we have two combines, a bulldozer, and Harry 's farm tractor."
President Obama sighed. "I must tell you Archie, that I have 16,000 tanks and 14,000 armored personnel carriers. Also I've increased my army to one and a half million since we last spoke."

"Lard t'underin' bye", said Archie, "I'll be getting back to ya."

Sure enough, Archie rang again the next day.. " President Obama , the war is still on! We have managed to git ourselves airborne! We up an' modified Harrigan's ultra-light wit a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and four byes from the Legion have joined us as well!"

Obama was silent for a minute then cleared his throat. "I must tell you Archie that I have 10,000 bombers and 20,000 fighter planes. My military complex is surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites. And since we last spoke, I've increased my army to TWO MILLION!"

"Jumpins," said Archie, "l'll have at call youse back."

Sure enough, Archie called again the next day. " President Obama ! I am sorry to have to tell you dat we have had to call off dis 'ere war."

"I'm sorry to hear that" said Obama . "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Well, sir," said Archie, "we've all sat ourselves down and had a long chat over a bunch of pints, and come to realize dat dere's no way we can feed two million prisoners."


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Just a short note for those who know these people....

First off Uncle Leo passed away yesterday February 7, 2009 at noon hour... we had got a call Friday night saying that he had suffered a heart attack... anyone that doesn't know who he is ... he is Aunt Theresa's husband...and Aunt Theresa is Nanny Odille's (mom) sister... his body is rest at Elhatton's today and his funeral is tomorrow morning at 11 am at the Scared Heart Cathedral...

The follow people are not members of the family but they are people that most of us knew when we were growing up and thought I should mention them....

Blair Doucet who lived around the basin passed away February 3... Julie Chaisson who passed away February 7... she is the lady who lived next to Betty Garrett...for long as I have known her she has been battling heart trouble or cancer... also Gerald Roy he was married to Isabelle Chaisson and if I am not mistaken he came down stairs for Sunday breakfast and had a heart attack...

I just thought some people that are out of town and that have been living in South would like to know about these people... it just seems in the last few weeks more and more people that we know are going to meet their maker...

Also since there has not been all that much to write about around here with me working more and more each day with the photos of Carl's parents... I thought I should put something up today....

May they all rest in peace, prayers and deepest thoughts to all their families because it is not those that leave this earth we should be sad for it for those who they leave behind... Joanne

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

It is Someones Birthday...

It is your birthday today

And you are the big 50 without too much celebration except with your family... but I wanted to say a Special Happy Birthday to you...because you are a very precious person to me...

Of course me being the brat that I am I had to do some digging for the 50 years so I thought a trip down memory lane .... he he

Happy Birthday Sweet thing...

Love Jo

Carl around 7 months old...

and him at around a few years old... (are you regretting giving me all these photos yet he he) Carl with is little sister Susan... down country..

Grandmother with Susan and Carl
Carl, Susan and his Great Grandfather...

Not sure if Susan is hiding her eyes or crying but I am sure it is the hiding... he has always took his big brother role very seriously from what I have heard...

Carl the second on in from the left..

(and I know I am going to get hung for the next one but I just had too)
Mr. Muscle Man... and proud to show it ...

Grad 1977

All grown up and a daddy ....

And this is him this he fed the puppies oranges and sat with me as I finished up what he started for his dinner this evening...
Thank you for being a part of my life... and being the man you are...actually for that I will thank your mom and dad...
I have often told you I love you actually many times a day.... but it has been a very long time since I have told you that I am whole heartly in love with you....
Hope you have a very happy 50th Birthday hon....

Monday, February 02, 2009

Talk Trash....LOL

I had a different blog written a few minutes ago... but have changed my mind... it is my turn to vent about some things around here... ohhhhh but before that I want to add some photos Pat sent me as she was driving home this weekend... a couple cleaning their roof off bfore the next big storm...

If we get the snow they are calling for these people are not going to have to worry about the snow on their roof... I think they will have to worry if they will be able to find they place afterwards... he he ... Jo is a brat... I know... don't you just love her....LOL


This morning when I went to read the blogs which are as few as mine have been by the way ... Danie had hers up .... The R's in GRRR Stand For Recycle Reduce Reuse and of course me being me had some off the wall remarks to say about all of it... of course we don't really have a recyclable system here in this town unless they want to call those big blue thingies that are around town that are always full when you take your recyclables there to put them in.... I wonder if they expect to drive your garbage around until they decide to empty them out so you can empty yours in... ohhh well it only happened a few times and yes I am not recycling anything that can't be recycled from my door step thank you very much... it goes into the garbage bin that is wheeled to the road at the end of the week to be dumped into the garbage truck to be hauled away ...

I had a little story about my trip to the mail box this afternoon after reading and commenting on Danie's blog... I have to admit I am not a faithful mail goer... if I get there once a month the mail lady probably does the dance of joy to see my mail box empty finally... BUT she wouldn't be stuffing my stuff into the box if people would stop sending me things I don't want... like ads for the week...great deals that are not great deals at Rogers, Bell express view... captial one should be fined for all the junk mail they put out.... and then every week like clock work on Thursday just before garbage day a bag of flyers show up... and (Oh he is going to kill me) if I get them before Carl does they go in the garbage.... and I have actually asked these people not to drop them off... but they still do... I have asked the mail lady NOT to put this stuff in my mail box but she does.... it is only trash to me and that is where it goes.... happy recycling to those who are...

Have a great one all... and I will try to be better at the blog... Joanne