Friday, January 15, 2010

First Visit to the Great Grandparents.

There has not all that much to say these days... it is just after Christmas and the decorations are put away... the knitting is taken out and yes I am working on a few projects but nothing is going all that fast.. maybe because I have been spending more time on here playing then in front of the TV knitting... but they are going to get done before March I am sure... well now someone knows who the knitting is for.. he he... besides that there has been a lot of running from one set of parents to the our and at the end of the day I want to do nothing but some farming and then to bed... I have not even been able to read enough at night to say that I have read ... I think for a few nights in a row I read the same thing over and decided that was enough of that... the books are put on the shelf until I can actually sit and read...
But yesterday I got to spend a very special time with a special young man that has popped into my life... I got to feed him, hold him, burp him though that was not all that successful and even change him... and his father has all the photos...
Today was the first visit to the great-grandparents and it was of course very successful...
and here are some of the pictures...

The special guest has arrived with mom and dad....

Great Granddad help our precious gift ... and you know what happened don't you.. and it was not Caleb that had the tears... actually the baby was so good..

The old and the new... love these pictures....

Great-grandparents... mom was so amazed with how quiet the baby was... he actually slept all the way through it all...

Great Grandma's turn... the way mom looked at Caleb you can see the love coming out of her....

A quiet moment with nanny and baby...
So precious so sweet... so handsome...

Even Mary came in when she smelled baby...

Papa Carl always seems to look so serious when Caleb is close by... going to have to make a point that he smiles the next time...

Mary came back with a Titan cap for the baby...

Even Great Uncle Roger had his moment with the baby... he kind of looks good holding a little one.. he he

Another moment with great-granddad....

And then Caleb said that enough was enough... it was time for feeding... and all hands were at work to get him into his seat to head to Nanny Peggy's to have something to eat... but looking at this photos it looks like he is smiling...
Okay guys I am ready so lets move it... I want my dinner... he he

I can't wait to spend more then an hour or so with this little fellow and his parents... which is coming very soon... and then there will be lots of photos here...

That is about it.. have a good one....

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It is Tuesday Not Wednesday... I don't Like Holidays.

No photos tonight...actually I have not been down to Robin and Amanda's since the 26th of last month... I got a cold and I really don't want to pass it on to the baby or them... now that I am better... the weather has not been all that great to travel but I am hoping to get in to see them some time this week because good news... cousin Janice is now cancer free.... and is coming home sometime this week and Carl and I are going down to get it... and of course where is she... Moncton... well it didn't matter we would have made Moncton part of the trip any way...We are just waiting for the call... and we are off...

I got up this morning thinking that it was Wednesday for some reason... I laid in bed thinking what I was going to do today... and how did the week fly by ... and then I came on the computer to find out that I am way ahead of myself... which makes it a long week here... hmmmm wondering what I am going to do with that extra day...

I have been wrestling with my hair for the last several months, of course Carl telling me every chance he got that he thinks that I am way too young to have such gray hair was not helping the situation as well... so this morning I got an appointment and tonight I am a brunette... he likes it...I am still not sure but it will be a while before I cut off all my hair again to see what the true color is...

I am not happy with myself because I did gain a few pounds over the Christmas holidays but I am going to have to make a note somewhere for next year that I really only need about 1/3 of the sweets for Christmas dinner... I am so weak when it comes to these foods... if they are not here I don't eat them... if I don't go to mom's I don't eat chocolates because there is always a dish of them on the table... I am so weak when it comes to these foods... I have to start behaving if I want to get to my personal goal...

Well else is going on ... well not all that much... Pat is down with a cold .. I am hoping that she is getting better since I can't get her on the cell though I am sure she is in bed trying to get rid of it... According to Yvette her New Year's Eve dinner was a success and there was lots of people there... it is not stopping her from playing that stupid game though on facebook... thought she would be too tired after all the work... he he...

Mom and dad are doing good... was up to see them this afternoon for a while... just sat and gave mom some company for a bit... she always likes it when one of us girls are around... to give her a little more attention... but then who doesn't like that...

At the moment I am waiting for Carl to come home with dinner... pizza since we had a late lunch and he was going to the hospital tonight thought that would be a good meal at this hour of the night...

Well that is for this part of the week... think if it is nice tomorrow I may get out and take some photos ... I have noticed a few places that I would like to snap before the real snow shows up...

Hope everyone has a great one... Later people... Joanne

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Some Photos of the Newest Member of the Hills's Family

Well I have finally sat down and went through all the pictures I have of our newest member of the family... last weekend December 26 actually we took Matthew home but stopped in to introduce him to his nephew...

Okay well I was trying to get this photo at the end of the page but it just wouldn't move for me so ... that is Robin's hand and those are Caleb's legs... how small is the baby... very small compared to his dad....

I went and asked him if he wanted to hold him... and he was quick happy to just look at the time... of course now looking at this photo.. I am wondering why Caleb is not crying his heart out in fear of what is hold him... the plaid shirt has to good... and I am going to have to check the hair before going into a place... what a mess Nanna is looking like on this day... but I was travelling I really didn't care... but I guess I am going to have to start... first off stop wearing my comfort clothes that are way too big for me now...

Papa Carl is not looking all that scared any more with this little fellow...

Think he is getting ready to get up for a feeding...

Nanny's turn to hold him...

As you seen on my last blog Matthew finally got to hold Caleb...

I think I like this one better then the one I photos before...

Daddy doing his part at feeding time...

Mom after the feeding... photos taken while feeding but promised not to post them....

So I got the boob where is the bottle....

Now I am full so why wouldn't they leave me alone... he he

These photos I got off facebook and were taken last week.... we are all happy to say that Mr. Caleb is now 2 ounce over his birth weight as of last Thursday... 5 pounds 15 ounces.

So sweet... an angel...

Almost awoke...

He does have lots of hair...
In one of the bean bags Nanna made for him...

Now is this bed a little too big for him yet...
Well that is it for now... when I get more I will post...

Have a wonderful day.... it is snowing, raining, snowing, raining since yesterday.... just a great day to caught up on stuff I have been promising to do and have not done for a while... and of course working on the book.... but still waiting for some people.... Joanne

Friday, January 01, 2010

The First Day of 2010

January 1st, 2010... another year... but nothing like last year's starting... tonight there was only two of us at the house... 4 if you want to count the puppies... I had my first steak since June of last year, though it was not all eaten it was the best thing I have eaten in some time... of course onions, mushroom and peppers were the side dish.

My first day of the year was spent mostly taking down and putting away the remaining of the Christmas decorations that I took over a month to put up... there is only one thing left up and I am expecting Carl to take it down eventually....

I am back to knitting but not for Caleb but for the next baby on the way... one hat, mitt and booties set has been done and working on the next one... have to go out looking for more yard for a sweater or two before shipping it up to Montreal all... I still have a bunch of pink stuff here looking for a little girl to show up in the family or among friends but if someone knows someone who is having a little girl please let me know... I am more then welling to pass this stuff on to them...

I have also been working on my recipe book though I am not getting all that much from the people I have asked to send me something to add to the book... so I will wait for a while and then start printing it... I have been going up to mom's with the computer and going through the recipe box picking out the well worn recipes to put into book as well... it will just pass on the ones that mom has been making over the years for the family....

I know I said I was going to put some photos of Caleb up and I have not.. it has been that kind of week for me... just doing things and not getting here... but this one was taken last Saturday (Boxing Day) when we took the long way to Fredericton to introduce Matthew to his new nephew.... and then Matthew said on Face Book "I experienced real fear today, when I held my nephew for the first time. I have never been so scared to break something in my entire life. I am truly Blessed!" I am glad that we took the time to stop in... the picture tells me everything...

New Years eve was spent mostly working on the book, some facebook and by 11 pm I was in bed ready to face the land of la la....

So to all who reads...I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's celebration and have a great year ahead.... I hope that my first date of this year is just an indication of my year ahead... quiet and peaceful.. minus the cold weather... and storm that is on the way...

Have a good one all Joanne