Friday, August 06, 2010


5184000 seconds
86400 minutes
1440 hours
60 days
2 months
That is how long you have been gone
from our lives...
And damn we miss you so very much
Love ya Mom
As the sun came over the trees while I was making tea this morning I thought of mom not like I don't every morning.... it was funny because I crawled out of bed about 3 this morning and wondered why I would be up and fully awake at this hour... only it took me 3 more hours to realize what it was about... I thought I was doing really good recently .. the tears were less and my heart was not hurting as much but this morning all it returned in full force... think it is time for me to go and do something because if I stay here it will be a day of tears and heart ache...

1 comment:

shahul said...

sorry for your loss my friend. admire your courage to speak out load bout it. remain strong yea..