Friday, September 25, 2009

I know I said I was Leaving But This Stuff I had To Share.... What a Week....

Several times this week I said to myself this should be blogged... that is the kind of the week we have had... so tonight while waiting for dinner to be made by someone else because I am really too lazy to make it... I thought I would sit and write about the week that unfolded between Carl and I....

The First I have Named it "The Flying Computer"

Monday morning Carl left the house after being home for a whole 5 days... and when he got to the job site he went to use the dead cell phone that he didn't plug in all weekend to call me to say he arrived safely... which is a most... so he took his computer bag out and put it on the passenger side of the car to get his cord for the cell.... closed the door and when on his merry way....note he didn't close up the bag and some time later he went into the car to get something and guess what flew out the bag on the pavement... I just could see him and hear the words that came out of him... the computer itself is working but the monitor isn' anyone who is wondering why he has not been on bejewel this week... that is why....

Second "Death by Carmel Spread"

About 2 months ago if not more I was craving for ice cream Chocolate to be exact... and I held off on it for a long time before I broke down and bought some... had some and put it away... now with me living most of the time alone and not really going into the freezer... the saying out of sight out of mind comes into play.... then about 2 weeks ago I decided I wanted caramel spread... which is another thing this diabetic should not have but I ended up getting a container putting it in the cupboard and not using it until Tuesday.... when I was putting meat sauce away that I had made over the weekend and spotted the ice cream.... after dinner that night while watching TV I thought ohhhh what a treat and I have caramel spread to put on top of it....

Normally I put things away but I just couldn't wait to get into this dessert and said I will pick it up later when I come back up... well later was 10:30 that night... Now I have to tell you that I had a mouse in the house or I thought I had A mouse.... and I got rid of it... I went to put the cover on the spread and low and behold what was stuck in it but mickey... by the tail... and where was my camera through all of this... in the car waiting for a photo moment as I was driving... I actually thought of going to get it but then I pictured the mouse getting out and tracking spread all over the house... instead I took the ice cream container put it on top of the spread and the cover on top of the ice cream on top of that and put it in the garage can... I am sure the mouse was regretting the sweet touch that he developed somewhere a long the way....

Wednesday was a quiet day because I was mostly home... but then things happen to me even when I am home but last night I went to mom and dad's neighbor's to get some crap apples... what is winter without some apple jelly... so thinking I had the morning to myself... I got the juice ready for the jelly last night and this morning when I got up before I made my tea... which maybe I should have done first... I put the stuff on... now normally it takes about 30 minutes to make jelly... after 45 minutes nothing... an hour still nothing... hmmm what is the matter here.... even though the first batch was not turning out I thought why not put the second one on.. maybe I will be lucky....and that is when it hit me like a ton of bricks.... of course I called myself a not so nice word when I realized that I was making jelly not jam... and the difference is jam takes 2 fruit to 1 sugar... jelly takes 1 to 1... I put only 1/2 the sugar in... then I thought do I throw this out... and only have 1/2 the batch I wanted which meant no one was getting free jelly this year... then thought why not... and threw the sugar into the batch... boiled and as I was putting it in the jar... it was already jellying....

I have to say it was nice to sit and type tonight now I have to go pick dinner up... later all...