Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Last Entry Just for You Yvette

Midnight last night I stood at the opening of my TV room and couldn't believe the change 2 cans of paint did to this dark and dingy room.

Thanks to Rebecca for letting me have Matthew for a while yesterday I didn't have to wait for Carl to come home to finish off the painting especially since he mentioned something about working another weekend... not getting it done for that long would have driven me a little batty but then I am almost there already... he he

We partly emptied the fish tank, moved it enough so I could get behind it to paint.. had some dinner and did the second coat so it could be put back in its place before they headed home.

When I got back home I thought tomorrow morning I would get the rest of it done... but an hour on the computer I couldn't take it any more. For the next 2 hours I cleaned, moved things back to were they were before, replaced the nick knacks, put up one set of curtains because that was all I bought not really sure if I was even going to like them... this morning I went and picked up another set...

I organized my knitting into baskets I bought some time ago for this reason and never got around to doing it... it was easier having it all over the place... he he.... picked up everything that didn't belong down there and then finally washed the floor...

but when I went upstairs with the mop I realized that there was something missing... the table I got from dad... which he made by the way....had to be placed there as well....

This morning I went through more of my pictures and picked out several actually more then I needed and went looking for frames for them... picked up another lamp since I didn't think it was light enough in the room especially when we wanted to read...

So when I came home this afternoon the other set of curtains went up... the pictures were framed and put up on the wall without too much trouble...

So Yvette you said that with the lose of my blog you wouldn't get to see the finishing of my room... well here it is... all done... Well you could have came up to see it for yourself but like my visits to you they are few and far between so by the time you got up here it would probably been needing a new paint job.. he he

Just to let you know with the starting of this room I finally decided to get yet another room I have been trying to figure out what color to put in it done...

as I have still a gallon of Beacon White left that is the color I will be using with some accent color while I have no idea what that will be... and of course I will need someone around to move the washer and drier for me to get that part of it done... maybe when Carl gets home he can move them when he is about to leave and return them when he gets back...

Well that is it. I would like to take this time to say thank you to those who checked into the blog... left your comments but it has ran its course and it is time to move on... Because I said I would be didn't Project 2009 for one year it will be still running... so if you want to check in on that one... you are more then welcomed to do so...
I sometimes take a bit of time to upload the photos but they are there eventually....

Thanks again.. take care all and happy trails... Love Joanne

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I have been thinking of this for a while once again and today I made up my mind... the Melanson news is closing... this time for good.... If anything is going on that is important those in the family will either get a call or an email... there is not all that much going on around here to keep this going... so to those who have been reading my blogs thank you very much... Have a great Day Joanne....

Sunday, August 09, 2009

I Have Been Busy... Well Kind Of

It has been four days since I posted the last very ugly pictures of what I was trying to do with the basement walls... they are fixed... and it is done... well 1/2 of it is done actually I have the other part to do... yes I am very slow with my painting but at least I am getting it done and it will be done before Carl gets home on Friday except for the corner where the fish tank is... I am not even trying to move that thing... but this part is done I say with a smile... and not looking all that bad either... sure smells better that is for sure... the colors are an off white and living aqua...
I decided that the TV room was starting to look like a collectors room... if we didn't have a place for it upstairs , it went there... so I spent a night packing all my scrap booking supplies into a large container and put them in a closet since it has been several months since I even had a thought of doing anything with it....and all the little boxes that everything was in was stored away as well... which means we don't need one of the shelves that we had in the room....I am actually putting some photos up on the walls... well one so far ... have to go through my collection to see what else I want up there...

A several years ago Carl was working and take this amazing photo of one of the guys welding and I got it done for him as a birthday present the following year... then two years ago we were going to his boss's for a Christmas Party and he thought that it would be nice to get one made for him... saying a welder should have a picture of a welder somewhere in his office... but when I went looking for the photo to enlarge I think I picked the wrong one... it had more smoke in the photo as the one I got done which had a pure black we have him the one I gave Carl... so today though it is not the one I wanted up on the wall but still a wonderful photo... I framed it and put it in the TV room...

And the DVD shelf was moved to the other side of the room... all in order even with a list of movies on the top shelf .... and I do have to say I am so glad I got myself a NEW cordless screw drivers this week... it has come in very handy... he he to you Carl...

I also move our little fridge... where the movies were once before... and we actually have a clock on the wall now ... so we can grab a cold one as we are going to watch what ever on TV though I have to remember to get a cord or ask Carl where a short cord is for the fridge or we are only going to have warm ones...

And the next shelf is for Carl... for his Orange County Bike Collection, his tractor.... and a few other things that he has .... the books are photography books now that they are in sight maybe I will take the time to actually read a few and get some tips....

Besides that I am still sitting Robin's dogs... they will be leaving tomorrow sometimes... I am still knitting but not on baby clothes... decided to wait to see what it is... I am really getting tired of making one, green and yellow stuff.... I am making myself a shawl for when I am sitting at the computer this winter and my back gets cold....

Peter and family are on their way home... they left Saturday morning... I didn't get much time with them but the time I did get I have enjoyed very much... Jill is home... and we have been out a few times with camera and to the market... Roger and Flo took her to Moncton today to get her new camera.... not telling her but I am so jealous.. he he... You can check out her photos whoever has her on facebook.. she does an awesome job... great eye...

All is good with mom and dad... no hospital or doctors for the last while which is always nice... they have been kept busy with the swing door of all the visitors in the last month...

Well time for food... breakfast has come and gone in more ways then one.... have a great one all... Joanne

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

For Carl

This was to show Carl what I did with the basement in the few days that he has been gone... but it really looks terrible so back to the drawing board and boring solid painted walls... oh well I tried...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Something New At My Place

Look at our new lawn Ornament ...kind of cool isn't it... he he

FUP... Yvette

Yvette you know who put me up to this.... the person just said put FUP....

On the Picture it says ..... Boy, I would really like this little bird....
I am wondering where I can get one just like it...
You are so Lucky Dad... and I am so jealous....
That is all I have to say in this Blog... and it is to Yvette... FUP

PS....I didn't even make the picture up... LOL
Got to love the people around you LOL....

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Stop Bys...

So I get the anniversary photos in the blog... and write what I wrote and realized that I was missing 4 more photos so instead of trying and putting them in the blog I just made a new one...

Imagine two blogs on the same day... miracles do happen sometimes you know... he he

So Tuesday I am at the house and I go in to say bye to mom and when I come out look who is sitting at the picnic table... yet another one of my wonderful nieces... come to visit... after this Sunday the only one I have not seen this summer is Patsy Anne because Jill will be here.... wow that is totally amazing... that doesn't happen all that much ...

So of course I have my camera so I had to do the take a picture thing with them....

And Connor had to show us his orange tongue from the very large freezie he had ... very cool Connor...

As I said before I take the photos not really looking at them when I do it is only afterwards that I notice things in them... that smile on dad's face is one I have seem many times in my life time but only come to realize that it is a smile that he is holding back the emotions he feels inside of him... and with Danie it is there often when she is around... I may be the baby girl of this family but these three girls especially Danie has been dad's babies for a very long time... they spent a lot of time together when they were growing up... with all of them in their own lives and are not home all that much any more... it is something very special when they stop for a moment and come see him...

Connor, Dad and Danie... he he I still see the orange Connor

Have a great day all.. and thanks for the stop bys... we all love seeing you... Love Jo

They are Finally Here

Well I am back... very early Saturday morning but I am back... everyone is sleeping except me but that is when I work the best...

Company started coming at 4 yesterday with me picking Kyle up at the airport... he has not changed all that much after 3 years... Val and Ray came in around 6 with Carl on his way home... of course he left later then he thought he was going to so that made things late.. but the surprise was the phone call from Matthew saying Hi Mom ohhh I knew right then and there that I was in trouble... the house was already full... the inn was full... but there had to be a place for him somewhere in here.... I was right... so after Carl arrived and dinner was had... the 4 men headed up to Walmart to get some air mattresses so the boys had a place to sleep tonight...

So the house is now over flowing.. with company and two extra dogs... did I happen to mention I have Robin's two for the next three weeks while they are away on holidays.. well two actually they have been here for a week already... even with just the 4 dogs and before everyone else showed up I thought the house was full...

I am sure you are saying shut up JO where are the photos from the anniversary well here they are....

A change this time... Lisette appointed herself as cook... which is a change... and she did a wonderful job of it too....

I have not idea what was the conversation here but it seems dad is enjoying it as Yvette wasn't really...

Roger and Greg at the picnic table but if I look back I actually have this almost the same photo of them at most gatherings...

Yvette checking out Phoenix's new toys...

Roger and Monique... It has been a great few weeks for me actually... a few weeks back I posted that Monique and Sarah were here... we this week Monique was back without Sarah who was spending time with her dad though we missed her very much... and once again I got a chance to spend some alone time with her... always so very nice... Lise and Paden came in as well to visit... Lisa, her boyfriend Greg, and Jonah was here... then Peter, Pauline and the boys came in on Sunday last week... it has been a great week to see all the nieces and nephews... for me...

Mom has a hard time with the wind with her hearing aid so she spent most of the time in the house looking out the windows... though she did show up every now and then to make sure we were all behaving ourselves...

The kids Paden, Phoenix and Rebecca enjoying the fruit trays that were made...

Carl and Flo all smiles...
Pat and Mom...
Of course I did have to take a few photos of people eating but as you can see no close ups... Yvette wasn't around he he I usually always catch her with her mouth open... he he

The kids all playing and getting in some cousin time...

Lisa and her Greg....
63 years... Just can't imagine being with someone that long...

Mom and Dad....
Even Phoenix got into it with making a picture for mom and dad's anniversary... Rebecca got it framed... a turtle on its back he told mom and dad... the photo is now hanging over mom's bed...very proudly... which reminds me I have to go up with the white pen to mark on the back of it...

Well that is the end of the anniversary photos... I didn't take as many as I usually do but I thought that Flo and Pat were there with their cameras really didn't need to....